chapter 18- telling the pack.

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Alpha kanes p.o.v.

I can not believe she is carrying my pup. My own flesh and blood. I hate her being out my sight. I know she getting a little frustrated with my possessiveness and over protectiveness but I cant help it. She is my mate and is carrying my pup. I know she secretly loves the possessiveness and protectiveness but sometimes she gets  a little frustrated.

The day after she told me she was pregnant I took her straight to our infirmary where they admitted she is pregnant after doing a few tests. That was 3 weeks ago. They told her she is 1 month pregnant. Now she is almost 2 months pregnant. Female wolves only carry there pups for 5 months but with us having alpha genes she will only carry for 4 months. We are going to announce today to the pack that she is pregnant however I think some people have guessed it.

There are only a handful of people who know about the pregnancy. That is myself and cassie, beta jason, isabella and keaton.

Flashback telling Keaton!

It was the next day. We had found out yesterday she is carrying my pup. I went downstairs wanting to surprise her with breakfast in bed. Keaton was already downstairs playing a vl game on his iPad.

"Good morning daddy"

"Good morning buddy, how are you did you sleep well"

"I slept well daddy and I'm okay. Uncle jason dropped me off before but he said he had to run for some pack business"

There are guards about so he wouldn't have been alone.

"Why didnt you come and wake us up buddy. "

" you was both sleeping peacefully and you both looked tired. I didnt want to disturb you besides mummy isnt the best morning person. I didnt want to be on end of her mood hehe"

I chuckled looking at him with nothing but love. He right though I wouldn't want to be on the other end of her mood. Especially now that she pregnant.

"Want some breakfast buddy."

"No thanks daddy. Uncle jason already made me some."

"Did he now. And who do you think is a better cook?"


He said acting like he has to think. Before he could even let out a other answer alpha kane stood up and picked him up ticking him to death. All you could hear was both of there laughter. None of them even realised that cassie was watching them peeping round the corner with a big smile on her face. She let out a little giggle then smacked her hand over her mouth as she wanted to carry on watching the scene.

However they heard her and turned around to see her standing there. More like peeping and smiling looking at them.

"Mummmyyyyyy" keaton shouted running to her but a big warning growl stopped him in his tracks.

"Sorry buddy I didnt mean to startle you just please be careful with your mummy we have to look after her." I said to a confused little boy.

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