chapter 12- rogue

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Cassie p.o.v.

It's been a few weeks since I was introduced to the pack and its been really nice. Myself and alpha kane cant seem to get enough of eachother and keaton has made so many new friends and he seems so happy. Beta Jason comes to our house a lot and keaton calls him uncle jason.

I'm on my way to the orphanage. Its my favourite place to go. The children are always so happy and carefree and they get so excited when I come, it makes me more excited.

I was walking through the gates when all the children screamed out of excitement.

I sang to them, played with them and laughed with them. They are amazing. I didnt realise how long I had been here till I smelt my mate. He came to come and get me ready to go back home.

I kissed him on the lips and all the children screamed in disgust which made me blush and kane chuckle. I said goodbye to the children which made them all pout but I promised to come back another day.

I changed into my wolf form and let my wolf faith take over. Faith and thunder our wolves played with eachother for a while. Nipping eahcother ears and chasing one another.

I was about to turn back to go home when I got a wift of blood. My blood ran cold. I could smell a disgusting smell. It smelt of a rogue. Alpha kane growled a loud threatening growl and came and stood in front of me protectively. For some reason I felt like I needed to protect this rogue though. I know alpha kane feels it to but he wont put his guard down with it being a rogue and with me his mate and luna being here.

I shifted back and put a top on that was in the woods on the tree close by to me. We keep clothes hanging about in the tress for when people shift back. Alpha kane shifted back, put some shorts on and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to his chest. I could feel the rage coming of him for a rogue being able to come into our territory and not one of our night guard warriors that protect the territory knew of her being on.

I started to walk towards where the rogue smell was coming from when I growl so loud it shook the trees came from my mate. It was a warning growl not to go near the rogue.

"Dont you feel it love? I feel I need to protect this rouge. And if you stop being so angry and calm down my love you can sense she is a female and is hurt. I dont sense any danger my love" alpha kane must have already mindlinked beta jason because all a sudden beta jason came behind us walking fast.

"Do you smell that smell? It smells so good like strawberries." I could see his wolf wanted to come forward which made kane pull me back into his chest. We both knew that meant his mate was around. He started heading towards where the rogue smell is coming from. That's when it clicked in my head his mate is the rogue.

We started walking with him but alpha kane wouldn't let me far out his side. He had hold of my waist and was tense. I understand why though.

All of a sudden I heard a whimper. My head snapped to the side where a young women around my age was holding her side.

Beta jason and her locked eyes and they both said mate at the same time. All of a sudden beta jason snapped out of his chance and growled angrily "a fucking rogue my mate out of everything had to be a rogue" you could feel the anger coming of him at once and my heart broke for the both of them. I could see she had been through some stuff. You could see pain and fear in her eyes but not just from beta words.

"Beta jason she is hurt why dont we take her to the infirmary and then we can talk about everything else. She needs to get looked at. " he growled at me not liking the fact I'm defending a rogue. Him growling at me made alpha kane growl back at him twice as loud which made beta and the rogue show there neck in submission.

"Sorry luna " beta Jason said.

"Its okay Jason. I understand"

I turned and faced the terrified rogue.

"Hello I'm luna cassie, let's go to the infirmary and sort out your wound it looks a little bad. What is your name?" I said softly

" h he hello luna cassie, my name is Isabella." She replied in a small scared voice. She kind of reminded me of how I use to be.
I could tell she had been through a lot.

There wont be much about isabella and beta jason In this book as I will be making a book about them when this book is finished !

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