chapter 21- naming our twins

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Alpha kane p.o.v.

Today is the day we finally get to go home. It's the day after cassie gave birth to our beautiful twin alpha baby boys. I cant believe they are one day old already.

While cassie was having a little sleep I decided to start packing up what we had brought to our infirmary room where we delivered our handsome babies. I wanted cassie to have as much rest as she can so I decided to be very sneaky. In about an hour the babies will be waking up for there feed that unfortunately I cant help with because cassie is breastfeeding, so even though I want her to get rest of course the babies having there feed is more important.

I can tell my alpha babies are going to be strong alpha I can smell it on them. As they are both twins that will mean that they will both be the alpha they will work as a team and have different departments of what to do. One will be better at one thing and the other with another thing and they will work it that way. I know this because we are allies with another pack that have alpha twins and that Is also how they work.

I was to busy lost in my thoughts I hadn't even realised it has been an hour until I hear baby B start to wake up a little. I walked up to him and picked him up just as cassie started to stir.

"Good morning angel" i said softly and quietly.

"Good morning my love, have they woken up" she asked in a sleepy voice.

"Baby B has, speaking of baby B you know we cant just keep calling them baby A and baby B, we need to think of names now." I replied.

"I know I was thinking that before. Is there any names you have In mind?" She asked while taking baby B of me to start feeding him.

"Actually i have a few, just tell me if you dont like them" I replied nervously not knowing if she would like them.

"Okay baby what are the names you like" she asked with a smile sensing my nerves.

" well I like the names... Xavier, damon, damien, jayden and kayden now you tell me the names you like so that we can pick one name you liked and one name I liked" I replied clearly thinking over names for a while.

" I really like all your names. The names that I liked are... Isiah , jordan , clayton , xander. " she said softly.

" why dont we let Keaton help choose when we get home. " I said exitedly thinking about being able to take the babies home and seeing Keaton.

"That's a good idea" she said with a big smile, making her eyes twinkle.

A short while later the doctors came in to discharge cassie and the babies. They did one last check on the babies to make sure they are okay and told cassie she needed to take it easy and no sex for 3 weeks. With humans it takes 6 weeks but because we heal faster then humans it takes us shorter time to heal.

Beta jason is about to drop Keaton of at home in about an hour but he said he will let us get home first and settle down and then he will bring keaton.

We got in the car and finally made it home. I got out the car and opened the door for cassie. We unbuckled the seat belts on the car seats and walked inside.

"It feels so good to be home" cassie said feeling relieved.

"It does doesnt it, this is our home my little alphas" I replied softly to out baby boys.

"And your big brother keaton will be here soon and he cant wait to see you both again. " cassie replied exitedly.

We showed them the house even though they dont really understand what's going on. We put them in there moses basket as they was fast asleep and they wasnt due a feed for another 2 hours.

An hour later Keaton came home and ran straight into his mothers arms and gave her a big hug. He then ran into my arms and gave me a hug.

"Where are my baby brothers daddy" keaton asked exitdly.

"They are just sleeping at the moment little one. They will wake up in about an hour" I replied.

"Okay daddy"

For the rest of the hour keaton told us what he had been doing while staying with isabella and beta jason and how much fun he had with them.

He just finished telling us about his stay with them when we all heard a baby cry.

We got up to go and get the babies while keaton stayed down stairs and sat on the chair waiting for us to bring them down.

We came back downstairs and cassie instantly started to feed them.

After she finished feeding them we decided to talk to Keaton about names.

"So keaton we decided we wanted your help with picking the babies names. Are you willing to help pick names buddy?"

"Really ? Yes of course."

"Okay so the names we like are these but we want you to help pick which kanes okay?". We started telling him all the names that we said we liked.

Keaton was deep in thought when all of a sudden he said.

"Xavier and Xander, I like them the best. What do you think mummy and daddy do you like that one?" He asked exitedly and a little nervous wanting us to like the names.

" you have very good taste in names baby because that's exactly what I thought" replied cassie.

"Then its settled baby A Is xavier and baby B is Xander." I replied with a big smile loving the names.

So that is what we decided to name them.

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