chapter 15- postive

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Cassie p.o.v.

When we got in keaton was excited to show Isabella around the house so while he did that I decided to get all the ingredients out that we needed to start making the cup cakes.

I'm suprised that alpha kane had let Isabella come down to our home especially around our pup he must know she wont do any harm and he must be warming up to her. As you know why but alpha kane hates rogues he despises them for what they did to his parents which I understand but Isabella is not like them. I think he is finally realising that. I know he doesnt fully trust her though and I know that there are guards around the house I'm not silly I know he doesnt fully trust her but he is slowly getting there otherwise he wouldn't allow her to our home.

Snapping me out my thoughts isabella and keaton walked in looking very excited so we got started on making these cup cakes. We made quite a mess there was flower everywhere including all over us as we might have accidently got in a flower fight.

Whilst the cakes where in the oven me and isabella started cleaning up the mess. Keaton went to play games in his room.  We went upstairs after we finished cleaning to get ourselves cleaned. I lent her some of my clothes. I looked in the bag to see the pregnancy test. I was hesitant on taking it. I'm scared.

"When are you planning on taking it" Isabella asked softly.

"Now. Cou-could you stay with me while I take it. I'm kind of nervous."

"You- you want me to stay with you? Are you sure ? I dont want to upset you and for you to wish you took the test with alpha kane" it made my eyes and heart soften that she wanted to make sure this is what I want and wasnt being like yes whatever.

"I wont regret It. I want to be sure before i mention anything to alpha kane I'm really scared of his reaction. What- what if he doesnt want any more children yet"

" then he should have thought about that when he didnt wrap it up. He loves you cassie anyone can see that. I think he will be excited about you both having a baby together and as for Keaton I'm sure he will be happy to have a little brother or sister".  I blushed at her saying he should have wrapped it. That wasnt just his fault but my own to.

"I hope so thank you. Lets-lets get this test out the way may-maybe I'm just overthinking it all and the pregnancy symptoms are just because of stress. " I said while my heart pounds out my chest. In nervous as hell.

"Only one way to find out cas" I smiled at the nickname she made for me.

"Very true bell"

I went to the bathroom and peed, I stuck the test in the pot. I have to wait for 3 minutes for the result. We was both sat on the bath tub waiting for the results nervously. Well more like I was nervous and she was excited.

My timer beeped but i couldn't bring myself to look. I was that nervous my hands started shaking.

"I cant look. I'm to nervous could you look."

"Are you sure you want me to look. "

"Yeah I'm sure" I felt sick to my stomach with nerves.

Hesitating she walked to the test. She looked at me on last time for reassurance that I want her to check before me and with my last nod she looked.

She gasped with excitement.

"Two lines-there are 2 lines your preg-pregnant"

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