chapter 9- mark me.

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Cassie p.o.v.

"He will not get away with what he has done to you and our pup"

Tears came to my eyes. My heart and eyes soften so much I'm scared they are gonna sagg.

He called keaton our pup. He has never ever said that out loud before and it honestly warmed my heart up that much I was scared I was going to melt.

All of a sudden his face turned to panick and he grabbed hold of my chin making me look him in his panicked eyes.

"What's the matter love did I say something wrong? Why are you crying? Are you in pain? Did i do something wrong my love. Is it because I want to kill your father I know it must be upsetting but he hurt you both.  He started rambling and I found it so cute. I giggled which made him stop rambling and a big smile came onto his face because I giggled.

"What's so funny angel?" He said while smiling.

" your cute when you ramble " I blurted it out then my cheeks went bright red and so did his.

"Cute? No no no I'm a big bad alpha wolf I can not be cute " this made me really giggle.

"Ahh but it is cute my big  bad alpha wolf. "

"No no no not cute" I pouted at him and did the cute doggy eyes.

"Alright alright cute it is" he said whilst looking away from my puppy eyes which made me giggle.

He looked at me in my eyes and I looked at him. We stared at eachother for what felt like forever. He kept looking at my lips as well as myself looking at his. We leaned closer and closer until our lips touched. Sparks where going off left right and centre and i moaned when he bit my lip. He took this as an opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth and explore. I moaned even more and he squeezed my ass.

After a little make out we put our foreheads on eachother whilst catching our breathe. We was both breathing heavy.  I could feel his big bulge under my butt making me blush. He chuckled at that and gave me a peck on the lips.

"That was amazing angel I could get use to that" I blushed and giggled and said me to.

He decided he was going to go take a cold shower and I was going downstairs to check up on keaton.

I got downstairs and keaton and beta Jason was making some food. Beta jason looked at me and smirked. My cheeks burned because he knew what we just did.

I went up to keaton and made small talk with him. After about 15 mins kane came downstairs looking as handsome as ever. He looked at me and smiled and I smiled even brighter back at him.

He came up to me pecked my forehead and started to eat his food. I pouted wanting a kiss on the lips but started eating my food so he didnt notice. I didnt want to embarrass myself.

A few days later and me and kane have been having a lot of make out sessions especially before bed  and we are getting more and more closer to each other. we started learning a lot about eachother and every night we play 20 questions.

I have been thinking these past few days that I'm ready. I'm ready for him to mark me I'm ready for it. I know I want him and only him. So what was the point holding it back.

It's time to get in bed and i just got out the bathroom from showering and brushing my teeth when kane walked in. I sat in bed and grabbed my book ready to read. He came up to me kissed me on the lips and went to do his business in the bathroom. About 30 minutes later he came out the bathroom.

We cuddled in bed and talked a lot more nonsense to eachother when I blurted out.....

"Mark me"

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