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                        Luna Gracie WalkerChicago, Illinois9:42am

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                        Luna Gracie Walker
Chicago, Illinois

"goodmorning mama" i say rushing down the steps. its 9:40 in the morning and i drove over to my mamas house to see how she was doing.

"goodmorning, baby you sleep okay? i know a lot has been on your mind lately" she was cooking up some breakfast that smelled amazing.

"i slept okay" she noticed the frown on my face and handed me a plate of breakfast. my head was killing me and i had no idea why. maybe from all the stress.
i laid my head down on the table. even through the food smelled good to me i just didn't feel like eating this morning.

"you okay honey? why don't you tell me what's on your mind" she rubbed my back and try to call me down, knowing i was all tensed up.

lifting my head up i looked at her and could feel my eyes getting glossy.

"see now, you about to cry why don't you tell me what's been going on? we don't talk no like we use to"

"nothing mom, nothing is wrong" i wiped a tear away that was streaming down my face. she shook her head.

"you're always out all the time. sometimes i just can't make no sense outta you"

you wouldn't understand anyways...

my mama knows about shameer switching up on me and chrissy but that's not it at all. the fact that i gotta worry about em coming over when my man is hole while i'm here is nerve wrecking.

without any words being said my mama took my plate of food and dumped it in the trash

just wasted ya own time and food.

i couldn't tell if she was upset with me or not but she headed upstairs and turned on the tv. i got teady to get out and go over to michaels house. he invited me over to smoke with him.

he knows i don't smoke but i still come over because sometimes he just wants to chill. nothing like that.


pulling up to michales house i could tell nobody was here.

that's weird. he always be having people over...

getting out the car, i made my way over to the door but he already opened it for me. must've seen me walk towards his house.

"hey, luna!" he gave me a side hug and let me in. i greeted him back and entered his home. his house always smelled full of weed. but i didn't mind it.

"y'know what, michael roll me a blunt. this week has been exhausting and i need to relax" he smirked and gave me a smile.

"you're finally listening to chrissy i see"

"yeah, some like that" michael rolled me a blunt and i started puffing out smoke already.

"you usually got people here? why you the only one here?"

"just taking mg mind off things. shameer been acting different lately, my best friend of 5 years haven't been returning my text or calls"

"ha, she switched up on me and chrissy not to long ago. tried to get wit my man anthony" he just shook his head in disbelief.

"ion know what's gotten into ha. she ain't the same no mo" that's for sure. she been having around with anthonys ex as well but i think everyone been knew that.

me and michael talked for a bit. shit, i think he might become my new boy best friend now!

"want to go out for drinks sometime?" michael offered me as i was about to head out. anthony texted me that he had to run some errands and wouldn't be home til later, and me and michael spent a few hours with each other as well.

"ion know. anthony might get the wrong idea and things are just starting to get good" he frowned but nodded like he understood which gave me a soft smile. i need feel bad rejecting his offer but one things for certain. if im in a relationship i refuse to go out for drinks with another man.


it's 10pm at night and he still not home. i looked out the window and see his car pull up. perfect timing. as i observe him outside from the window, i see a girl get out. she's pretty and lightskin and they make their way towards them he door.

i hear it open and i'm already on the couch waiting. "what's this?" i say with my fingers swaying side to side. the girls jaw drops open.

"hey, i'm scarlet" the girl greets herself. but i didn't care who she was. what i cared about was why a girl was hugging all up on my face just a few moments ago.

"is this what i think it is, anthony?" i start hitting him on the chest and the girl rushes out the door, not wanting me to hit her next. she don't want no smoke.

"so now you're cheating?" i ask him. he threw his hands up in defense and shook his head.

"nah, lemme explain baby"

you better have a good explanation...

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