Giving in

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Very sad to say this is the very last chapter of Always! Please read to the very end! I love you all so much! Thank you for everything you have done for me for these past two years!

The annoyance of my phone had awoken me from my peaceful sleeping. My whole body felt heavy and craved for me to sleep. I stayed out and hopped it would go away. I felt the couch dip and I was cold. My phone stopped ringing. I think Niall answered.

"Hello?" Niall said whispering


"She's sleeping." Niall spoke.

"Uh yeah she's okay. I hope." My heart pounded in my chest.

"I'm kind of at your mums house."

"It's a long story alright! What do you need?" He said harshly.

"Okay well I think she's needs space for a bit. Call back later alright."

"Okay bye." he sighed and I felt the couch dip again and his hands stroking my hair, and then his lips on my neck making me gasp. My eyes opened and met his.

"Your shit at pretending to sleep." He mumbled against my neck. I felt my toes curl and I let him kiss me. I smiled not able to answer him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his body down so he was on top of me. His lips lightly kissing my neck, his lips aimed lower and lower on my neck. His hands roamed under my shirt and pulled my hips to his. His hands were teasing me, as they went up to where my bra straps were. His lips sucking right behind my ear.

"Ni."I said quietly slowly pulling him off. We still had a lot to talk about. I needed to talk to him.

"Niall." I said louder. And his lips were taken off of my neck. He lifted his head and his eyes locked with mine.

"We need to talk." I said quietly. His head dropped and he nodded. He got off of my body and sat next to me.

''I'm really sorry.'' I sopke first. I was so crazy to think this whole thing was Niall's fault. It wasnt. I was just loosing my mind.

''I have no idea what was wrong with me, I cant belive I was mad at you for taking care of me, to be honest I want you too.'' I admitted looking up into his eyes.


''Yes, Ni. I need you too. I understand after what happend that your still on edge and also your not used to this side of me. The stressed out girl. I really should have told you sooner about this disorder. I'm sorry about that too.'' I sighed.

''It's okay. I get why you didnt tell me but what I dont understand is why you got so angry with me Kenzie. I mean I litterally do everything I can to make sure your happy I dont see why got you to snap.'' He frowned, his brows knitting up together.

''I-I just hate that feeling of being weak and vuanerable. I want to be strong and do things on my own that's why I said I dont want you to take care of me but I do. I didnt mean that It was just out of spite.'' I pleaded.

''Dont think like that. Your not weak Mackenzie. Your just in a tough spot.''

''I know that now.'' I mumbled.

''You cant keep doing this, where you shut people out and then try to convine your self your fine. It's okay to admit you need help. Accepting the help doesnt make you weak, it makes you strong love.'' He was right. I had to acept the help and get better because right now I was one blop of a mess. I always had it in me that I was weak and little and I had been trying so hard, too hard to get away from that, I broke. I was glad that Niall was here to support me and I had to talk to Harry because he was only trying to help me. I had been so mean to him theese past couple of months and he's only worried for me.

''I need to talk to Harry.'' I blurted. He was my own brother and all of theese months I thought he just didnt want Niall and I together but he just wanted me to be happy. My heart was racing in my chest. I felt so guilty at this point. How could I do this to Harry and Niall? I was being extreemly selfish.

''I know, he's really worried about you Mackenzie. He jsut doesnt want history to repeat itself.'' Harry had to of told Niall about how I struggled in high school and middle school making friends and keeping it together. Harry was afriad I would just loose it again like I have in the past and needed to go to the hospital. It was a scary thing and I hadent realized how scary and a big deal this was until now.

''Did Harry tell you about the anxiety stories and how they started?''I asked him. In my relationship with Niall I did not open up to him. I see now how much he didnt really now about what happened to me in the past and how I have struggeld. I know how he did but not vise verssa.

''I asked him about it while we were at the hospital but he couldnt tell me much.''

''Why not?''

''Everytime I asked him about it he would almsot start to cry and then get up and leave. So then I asked Gem but she said I should ask you. I didnt want to ask you about it anytime soon but sicne you brought it up..'' 

''Harry deffiently had it the worst. Being all famous he wanted Gemma and I's life to be privet and he did his best to keep both of us safe and once I started getting theese attacks there was nothing he could do to protect me, I think it freaked him out and I was always with him when they happened. It had always been him to calm me down but nobody was able to do it until I met you Ni.''I admitted and it was true.

''Harry said something about how they stopped once he came home..?''I sucked in a breath and nodded.

''They did, when he wasn't home I would get them alot! That's when my doctor wanted me to see a therapist and give me medication for it and between the medication and finding something that keeps me in my place they stopped.''

''What did you find that keeps you there?'' I felt my cheeks turn pink and the knots in my throat were forming.

''I found you.''I smiled squeezing his hand. He brought his lips to mine quickly. I was so lucky to have him there was no way this could be happening to me. His lips molding against mine. My arms wounded around his neck pulling his body down to mine so we were lying down on the couch. His body hovering over me while he pressed his lips to mine as a desperate need.

He pulled away for a moment both of our eyes shut. We both were breathing heavy and our legs were tangled together. I silently prayed that my mum wouldnt come down the stairs because she would ruin the moment. I never wanted him to leave from my side. I was more desperate for him now then every,

''Please promise me something.'' His voice was hushed, his warm breath was fanning over my face.


''Please be with me forever.'' My lips formed into a smile and I knew what he was proposing to me right now.

''I promise.''

Always (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now