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I walked down the narrow hallyway of the icerink. I felt like thoes movies where it's pitch black and the only thing you can hear is the person's heavy breathing. Which in this case is true. I felt bad for leaving Niall but I dont care at this point.

Who the hell is in here? Why would someone be in an ice skating rink this late at nigt?

''Hey you stop there!'' A voice yelled behind me. Making me scream. all I could see was a dark figure. My first instict was to run. Oh boy.....running.

I dashed and turned the corner. My heart was pounding. I almost felt like thoes dreams you have when you feel like you cant move any faster. I colied a hard boyd making me fall onto the floor.

''Mackenzie what the hell?'' Niall yelled.

''Shhh.'' I grabbed his hand as we moved behind the counter.

I stayed close to him. my head rested on his chest. he held me close.

"Niall I have to go see who's there." I whispered

That only made him tighten his grip around me.

"No your not going anywhere! you hear me!"

"Niall we have to get out of here!"

He sighed and tugged at his hair. he knows I'm right.

"Okay fine, I've got an idea. you do that way where the door is and prop it open, I'll go this way and grab our stuff and meet you there!" he said pointing left and right

"What no! why do you have to stay in here while I'm outside. Were switching!" I whisper yelled

"Mackenzie stop arguing with me! When I heard you scream I dropped all of our things by the lockers, you don't know where that is. I do."

"Oh my god!" I put my head in my hands. this is way to overwhelming. Thank The Lord I took my medication this morning other wives if would be having a panic attack right now.

"Hey baby, we'll get through this okay. Were not going to die." he assured me

He's right, where not going to die!

"Okay, okay. but I go first." I stated. my legs were wobbly and my hands started to shake.

I dashed of into the narrow hallway. Wait where's the door?

I heard hard footsteps behind me, the dark figures were running after me.

I ran as fast as I could leaving me breathless.

I felt like I was swallowing glass. my throat burned. I started to feel a bit lightheaded.

My hands would not stop shaking, my heart was beating so fast. I felt my breath become short. Too short.

I felt myself barley being able to breath.

They were catching up.

I made a shape corner into the girls bathroom and ran into a stall I grabbed my phone dialing 911.

"Hello what's your emergency?"

But I couldn't speak, I couldn't breath. I felt my whole body shake.

Come on Mackenzie stop! fight this!

I need to get Niall out of here! I just need to find those double doors that's the back way out.

I ran out of the bathrooms and to the far left was a double door! Yes!

I started running to it. But as I looked back there behind me again!

I tripped over my shoelace and fell to the ground in a loud thump

"Niall." I yelled. I couldn't move anymore.

They were going to catch up to me and kill me.

I felt myself become nauseous. I saw a bit of stars but I needed to fight this.

As I layed on my stomach my eyes squeezed shut.

"We got them. It's a 417." I looked up seeing it was a Police Officer.


We've been running from the police.

I felt cold handcuffs on my wrist that pinched my skin.

I'm going to die in jail.

He pulled me to stand up but I couldn't move, my chest hurt with pain.

I saw blue and red lights, an ambulance and a fire truck came into the parking lot.

"What in the-" the police officer said.

That's right I called 911.

"Miss we need you to get up."

They turned me over onto my back.

Tears were streaming down my face.

"I-I" I tried to speak but my whole body still shook. it wouldn't stop.

"Miss." I here the police officer say but I felt my eye lids becoming heavy. No keep them open!

I need to fight it! I can't pass out every time I have a panic attack.

"Over here! we need help!" I hear on of the officers say.

I was on the verge of fainting. but I just needed Niall, he calms me down.

"Wait I need to get in! that's my girlfriend in there!" I suddenly became a bit more awake

He's okay.

"Sir we need you to stand ba-" but I heard feet pounding onto the hard floor.

"Kenz." he whispered. His eyes were glossy with tears

I sat up trying to hug him but the handcuffs on my wrist stopped me.

"They handcuffed you?" he said in disbelief.

I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me just like that my heart rate went back down to normal my hands stopped shaking .

"You're okay, I'll get you o-"

"Sir you need to go." they pushed Nialls shoulder roughly

"No wait please!" he pleased but they moved him away

Away from me


OMG! how intense!

I really want you guys to notice how Mackenzie said Medication for panic attacks! That will come in handy later on!

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Please comment and vote! Pretty Pretty PLEASE!!!!!



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