I love you

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''I love you.''

My eyes widend. My heart stopped beating.

''I loved you since the day I met you kenz, Your everything to me. I cant live without you baby. You calm me down, make me smile. I'm sorry for getting so upset. I just want you to know that I could tell the world, that I love you. I love you so much it hurts.'' He said he seemed more awake now. He was compleetly serious. He smiled a bit to himself. His eyes were squinting and he tried to stay awake.

My eyes waterd with tears. I let one fall onto my cheek.

I couldnt stop crying, nobody has ever said something like that to me, that sincer that nice. He loves me. I love him.

''Why you crying baby?'' He wiped my tears away on my cheeks.

''Because, I love you too Ni, nobody has ever said something like that to me and I love you. I love you so much.'' I cried but smiled at how insane it might've sounded.

''Come here.'' He pulled me into the bed. I layed my head in the crook of his neck. He did his best to wrap his arms around me.

''Your so cute love.'' He laughed.

''It's true though, I love you so much it makes me cry.'' I smiled.

''That makes me happy, and I'm so happy youre here. I could've have done that withoute you baby.'' He kissed the top of my head.

He placed his lips to my forhead again.

''You really warm baby.'' He stroked my cheek.

''I know, I didnt want to worry you but I feel like shit.'' I laughed.

''Oh love.'' He kissed my cheek.

''How are you feeling?'' I looked up at him.

''I feel like shit to, but youre here so it's okay.'' A smile tugged on my lips.

''How does your knee feel.''

''Stiff. It's going to be hard being handicap on your birthday but I have a big suprise for you.'' He smirked.

''What! No Ni, you don't have to get me anything."

"Your my girlfriend an your turning twenty I'm getting you something!" He smiled.

I laughed and snuggled more onto his chest. My bum was pretty much falling off the side of the bed and I tried not to move so I wouldn't hurt him. I felt stiff and sore but I wanted to be here with him, this close to him.

We were silent for a bit. I felt exahasyed literally.

"Don't tell me your falling asleep on me." I snapped my eyes open

"Trying not to." I gave him a soft smile.

"You should be the one sleeping baby, you look exausted." I frowned

"We'll I didn't get much sleep last night." He said. my heart beated faster by the second.

"That's my fault, I'm sorry." I frowned biting my lip. I wish I realized sooner whAt a bitch I was being.

"Shhhh, it's okay." he stroke my cheeck with his hand, I looked down and grabed his hand, I didn't hold it to tight because the ha the IV in this hand.

I shut my eyes and grabbed his hand. I brought it to my lips to give a gentle kiss.

''But why did you say that? I mean does getting serious with me scare you?'' He said softly

''I mean, a little bit. I just dont know what I want anymore with myself. The only thing that I know that I want is you. I just I dont know, i didnt mean anything that I said. I just dont want to go to fast.''

''I know, I get it, I dont want to go fast eirther but its just you sounded like I was insane for wanting to settle down with you some day. ''

''I just- I know. I'm sorry.'' I looked up at him.

''I know you are, Harry told me you havent slept or eaten much for a week. ''

''I felt to guilty to do anything.''

''If you felt guilty then why did you wait so long to talk to me.'' He frowned.

''I felt embaressed, and ashamed. I didnt know what to do, I honeslty didnt think you'd talk to me.''

''But we are now right, were okay now.''

We layed there both feeling uncomtrobal but enjoying eachothers presents. I felt his breathing become steady and I knew he was asleep. I forced my eyes to stay awake! I loved this Irish man next to me. I couldn't stop smiling.

He loves me.

He loves me.

I love him.

I look advantage to stare at him. He looked peaceful laying on his back and his hair was messy. His skin was pale an the dark circles under his eyes were noticeable. His left leg tangled with mine under the slim sheets.

His big cast around his knee looked uncoftoraele.

His head was tilted a bit to me. His hand was in mine and he held onto me for dear life. His lips looked soft and I missed kissing him.

I have him a soft gentle kiss on his lips. I was glad he didn't kiss back because then he'd be awake.

I snugged back into his side. He kept me warm from how freezing I was. My body aced and I felt a stomach ace coming but I sucked it up to be here with Ni.

We layed there for hours, he stayed peacefully asleep while I admired him.

The doctor came in and checked on him a while ago saying it was his pain medicine that made him tired.

I texted Harry on and off telling him how Niall was.

I looked up at Niall once more before laying back down and drifting off.

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