So you want to go out with me?

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Mackenzie's P.O.V

''I really like you kenzie, I always have from the minute I saw you''.

My eyes snatched open meeting his blue ones.

''Really!'' I smiled

''Really! I was just worried about what Harry would say''.

''Well I actually felt so desperate trying to get you to like me, I asked Harry to help me flirt, but that didn't exactly work out. He's fine with it''. I smiled. His eyes lit up and he kissed me again. I smiled into the kiss.

''I think, I'm dreaming''. He mumbled against my lips. I grabbed the front of his collar pulled it towards me. Making me smile.

I pulled away staring into his blue eyes.

''We should probably get back to the party.'' I whispered

''I just want to stay like this forever.'' He mumbled

''Me too, but come on we have cake and I still got something for you''.

''Kenzi, you brought my family here, kissed me and you have something els''.

''Yep, now come on''. I went out of his grip. I helped him off the ground. As I wiped the grass off of my dress.

''O and did I tell you how beautiful you look''. He smiled. I looking at my dress. I blushed smiling ''Thank you, you look so handsome''. I poked his cheek and took he took his hand as we walked back to his house.

I could hear the music from his driveway. I still felt my hands shaking. I was so nervous I feel like a big brick was lifted off of me. I cant believe he likes me. I mean call me insane but I mean whenever someone tells me I'm beautiful or actually says they like me, I just cant keep the smile off of my face.

I mean growing up I hated school I worked so hard everyday I struggled in all of my classes the girls were just so mean and filled with drama. All the guys would do is make fun of all the girls that may have been a little overweight or just maybe not as popular. I hated it. School was hell for me. I begged my mum to even home-school me.

But I think I was so desperate for someone to like me that I didn't even notice what an asshole Blake was. Its so hard for me to trust people. But then I met Niall, he just seemed to make my worries go away. I was scared Niall was just going to say he didn't like me push me off when I kissed him.

I was always stressed out, and I was the kind of girl who always was worried about what other people thought of me but I feel like now that I've met Niall and actually like him. I don't know I feel like I've changed

He makes me smile everyday, makes me feel like I don't have anything to worry about and he makes me feel loved. I guess what I'm trying to say is I just simply cant let him go, he's to special.

I felt him squeeze my hand. I looked up at him, he smiled slightly

''You okay, love''. I smiled and kissed his cheek

''Never better''.


Once the party was over. I felt exhausted. I think my median was wearing off. I felt cold since I was still in my dress. Niall was saying goodbye to his friends but his family is staying here in London for a little while. Harry suggested since I'm sick that I don't drive back to mum's tonight. Since Niall's family is staying at his house I'm going to stay at Harry's.

I got Niall a shirt that said 'Free Hugs'. which he loved. I remember Harry had to approve of it but I got it so I could just keep on hugging him. I haven't told anyone yet about Niall and I. I know Harry is waiting to know what happened. But since I couldn't let the smile leave my face I guess he kind of had a hint.

I felt a blanket being put on me gently .. I looked up seeing Niall's I sat up smiling weakly at him

''Are you sure you just don't want to stay here that way you don't have to walk to Harry's''.

I shook my head ''No, i'll be okay. I just hope I didn't get you sick''. I laughed slightly

''You didn't. But here I made you some tea''. He handed me a cup. it felt warm on my cold hands.

''Awh! Thanks that was sweet of you''. I smiled

''Harry said that he would go get the car so you don't have to walk''. He sat down onto the couch next to me.

''So I have to ask you something''. He set his hand on my knee.

''Sure what's up''. I took a sip of my tea and then set it down onto the coffee table.

''Well I was wondering if maybe next Friday you would want to go out''. He paused ''With me''. I smiled at him. The way he looked so nervous to ask me, the way his hair was slightly messed up. the way his blue eyes locked with mine.

''How could I say no''. I smiled. wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me, I inhaled his sent which smelt like all of his sweatshirts. my head rested on his shoulder.

''Come on love, you feel really warm. let me get you some median''. He pulled away. I nodded and watched him walk off into the kitchen.

''Here ya go''. He gave me a pill and some water.

''Thanks Niallier, so about this date... where are we going''.


Hey everyone!!;) Thanks so much for reading.

Please comment I love to hear your feedback. I have a lot of things planned. I'm hoping to change the name I don't like how long it is 'These are the moments' is. But. not for a long time:)

So I cant wait so get this book going!! I was going to wait longer for them to kiss but I know how anxious you guys were. I was too!

Please fan me. or Message I get board honestly and love talking to people:)



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