What are you planning!?

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2 painful mouths later

''Niall, is Harry there''. I was skying Niall, we Skype every night, well tried. It's been really hard without them here. Especially since I sadly haven't heard from Harry. Every time I Skype he hasn't been there. but the good thing is

since I got so bored I decide to start working everyday now, maybe saving up for my own flat.

''Uh No, sorry Kenzie. He went out to a bar with Ed''. Niall said, I looked down at the bed. I sighed

''Hey Kenz it's alright, don't worry about it Love. He'll call you don't worry''.

''I know, I j-just miss him'' I cried. Niall and I have gotten extremely close. Since Harry hasn't even talked to me in what a week or so. Niall's been there. Niall's like the best friend I never had.

''I know you do, I know this is hard. But you can come and visit. Again''. He said

''Really Niall again''. I rolled my eyes

''Come on it wasn't that bad last time right''.

Last month I went to go see them in London because they had like two days off but once I got there. I knocked onto Harry's flat and nobody answered I went to Niall's, Liam's and Louis too. Nobody answered. Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse it did. Because it started raining I was so pissed off.

I even called all of them and nobody answered I sat at Harry's doorstep waiting. Finally when about three hours came. He finally came home saying they have to fly to do some campaign. So I had to leave that night.

''I was left in the rain''! I wined, as He chuckled

''No but really Kenzie, we get a little bit of a break in about a week. Which in a week is...............''.

''Your 20th birthday, I know Niall''. I gigeld

''I cant wait''!!!!! He beamed

''I can tell''.

there was a moment of silence. I didn't even noticed

We stared at each other for a little while. not in a creepy way. but just at his eyes. I never noticed how blue his eyes were. I got lost into them. He just made me feel like nothing matters. Like nobody's watching. I've never felt like this before.

''You're eyes....... their so green''. Niall leaned closer to the camera

''Um is that a good thing''. I laughed awkwardly

''Of course it is! There so pretty. I love you're eyes''. I blushed looking away for a moment

''Thank you, They turn blue sometimes. I love guys with blue eyes''. I winked

''Hey! I've got blue eyes. That means you love me''! He teased

''Yes, Niallier I do''. I giggled

I yawned knowing it's like midnight

''You tired''. Niall said I sighed and nodded

''I guess I'll let you sleep''. He said about to turn off the camera

''Wait! Niall, wait''! I called he looked back into my eyes

''Come one Kenz you look exaushted''.

''No wait! Um this is kind of embarrassing but I'm home alone right now. My Mum and Robin are out of town for the night. And well-''.

''Your scared aren't you''. He smirked

''Well I wouldn't say scar-''. He interrupted me

''Aww Is wittle Kenz scared''. He teased saying it, in a baby voice

''O shut up. Horan, well can you just wait till I'm asleep to hung up the call''. I blushed with embarrassment

''Of course, love''.

I got under the covers, adjusting the camera on the table next to my bed so it was still facing me

''Nighty, Night Kenz''. Niall smiled

''Night, Niall. Thanks for keeping me company''. I smiled. and yawned again

''Go to sleep now, love''. He said. I nodded adjusting my pillow. Laying my head down closing my eyes. After a little while. I heard Niall's voice

''I have died every day waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years. And I'll love you for a thousand more''.

My favorite song. He somehow remembered.

I smiled, as I snuggled into the pillow falling asleep


She was fast asleep. I never noticed how beautiful she is. She looked a lot like Harry, but in some ways acted nothing like him.

I felt really, really bad lying to her about where Harry was. I felt really bad because she was crying he hasn't called her. But hes been so busy, and on top of that we have stuff to do.

She was so adorable, but I could never tell anyone that. The lads would think I had a crush on her and Harry would explode.

It's not that I like her that way or anything, I just think she is really cute. I heard her soft snores through the camera. I chuckled

''Harry''. I called form the other room. He came out with his phone to his ear

''Yes, Ash. I'm positive. She'll love it''. He said goodbye before hanging up

''Was that Ashley''. ( Ashley is Mackenzie's best friend:)

''Yeah, looks like my surprise for Mackenzie is going to work''. He grinned

''Well speaking of Mackenzie, I was skyping her and look see for yourself''. I pushed my chair out. so Harry could look at the computer

He chuckled looking at the screen

''She feel asleep huh''. He laughed

''Yeah''. I smiled

''Hazza you really need to call her, or at least text her, she kept on asking where you were. I had to tell her you were out with Ed. Did you get things sorted out with Ash''. I asked

''Yeah, I think so. It's been taking me a long time''. He sighed

''Just text her so she'll get it in the morning''.

"okay, I will"! he said taking out his phone

I looked back at the screen, seeing kenzie peacefully sleeping. I hit the hung up button. Getting up from my chair. walking over to my room.

I turned out the light, getting into bed. Man I really hope Harry's plan will work!


Hi everbody!!!

I really wanted to update before I go to school tomorrow. Sorry its not a long chapter, im trying to kinda get things moving

I hope you guys arent bored

Question: what do you think Harry's plan is?


Love you guys!!!


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