His shirts

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''How much things do you have Kenzie!'' Zayn graoned droping yet another box in Niall's house.

wait! Niall and I's house! I'm so excited! It's been two weeks ince Niall asked me to move in with him. He's gotten better with walking. He's using his crutches which help but I wont let him do to much. The boys were helping me gather all my stuff. Harry drove to homes chaple last night gathering all my things. I was so happy.

I felt like my life was finally coming together. I found something that I'm actally good at. Maybe. Writing. I mean I've been looking at news papper articles in magizes and am upsets with them. I wind up telling Niall all about it until he falls asleep probably getting board.

But for the past two weeks have really been with me and Niall watching ever single movie he owes and when we watched all of them in a week and started watching some of them three or four times.

''Sorry!'' I laughed. All four of the boys came in one by one carrying a box.

''Wish I could help you guys! Sorry.'' Niall said from the couch.

''Even if you could help baby I wouldnt let you!'' I pointed out.

''That's right, you have to rest Niallier.'' Louis joined in.

''I'm so bard though!'' He groaned.

''We'll I'll show you some fun.'' I smirked. His cheeks went red.

''Wow! Okay boys who knew my sister had that in her.'' Harry wistled.

''Oh shut it curls.'' I smiled.

For the rest of the day was invold of unpacking. Which Niall just watched me the whole time. His huge closet was filled with clothes on one side and on the other was empty for mine. I placed my pillow on my side of the bed. I smiled now. Everything felt right.

My toothbrush was next to his. My clothes were right next to his. Same with my shoes. It felt like this was supposed to happen.

''Wow! Can you please put this on?'' I turned around seeing Niall holding one of my bras. I gasped and took it from his hands.

''Ew stop.'' I laughed.

''Please, it's hot. Like sexy hot.'' His voice got deeper. Making me blush a bit.

''One of theese day's we will. Oh trust me baby.'' I winked. His mouth fell open. I laughed at his reaction and went into the closet to change into my pj's who knew that the day could go by do fast.

''You coming to bed?''

I took my shirt off and threw it in the laundry bin. I grabed one of Niall's shirts. Maybe I'll tease him a little bit.

''Yep, be there in a second.'' I yelled

I decied to just wear his shirt no shorts. I took my hair out of it's pony tail. I walked out of the closet and into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I didnt even bother looking to see his reaction, wanting to me suprisd

''Wearing my shirt huh?'' He called. I smiled and turned around to face him. I stood in the middle of the room half naked with his eyes on mine.

''Yeah, I like youre shirts.''

''Good, keep wearing them please.'' His voice cracked. I laughed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Once I was done. I crawled into bed next to him.

He was resting on his side, I turned onto my side looking at him.

His blue eyes looked tired but yet full of excitement at the same time.

"Our house." He mumbled.

He grabbed his hand in mine, playing with our fingers.

It was amazing how just staring at him makes me squirm and the way his eyes sparkle make the butterflies explode.

The way he kisses, his soft lips pressing onto mine. That makes me explode. Like my heart races and my fingers shake.

It's amazing how someone can make you feel. Yeah there are all of the mean and haters that make you angry but it's rare for me to find someone who makes me feel special

Who gives me something to look forward too.

Who gives me a light when I see dark.

Him that guy, that person is

Niall James Horan.

"I love it here. Thank you for...everything." I sighed smiling. We both layed our heads down on our pillows on our sides with our hands intertwined.

"Your welcome, I get lonely here and I love it when your here. So I thought id ask you. I'm just lucky you said yes."

His smile was contagious. His perfect teeth stood out.

I smiled and tugged the blanket to my chin.

"Are you okay not being home? In homes Chapel anymore?" He asked after it was silent

"I'm happy to be out of their. You know? start a new life in London. It sure is louder being in the city but I think my mum was happy. Now it's just her and Robin."

"Okay good I'm glad." He smiled.

We started at each other for a while. His eyes were locked into mine and his fingers were playing with mine. His legs tangled with mine. We couldn't stay away from each other.

He's the only drug I want to do.

Over the past two weeks we both have done absolutely nothing and I loved it.

It's was hard to always have nothing to do in high school. While everyone went to parties I sat at home. I did nothing. I hated every minute of it. I was antisocial and was brought I a dark place of negativity.

Niall has found that light in me again. I think that's why Harry let me date him. He calms me down, he makes me laugh. it's like I can be around him and never get sick of him.

He's been the only person that when I'm not with them I have to be talking to then. It's amazing that feeling of being loved.

Yes I know I have family that love me but this is different.

Blake didn't love me. He went our with me for a dare. Saying it would only take him three months to get in my pants. I was so desperate to be love that's almost what happened I almost gave him that.

But with Niall it's like, he's so genuine and sincere. I want to give him that. We both have never done it. It would be special to have it with him.

I can see a future with Niall. I see me being a pregnant lady and him helping me sit down on the couch,, give both in a hospital room with him squeezing my hand tight. Trying to pick out the baby's name.

Us both making the baby's room. But most of all I can see us lasting for a long time.

I snapped out of my thoughts. Niall was almost asleep. His hand was still in mine and his legs were still tangled with mine but his eyes were now closed instead of locked with mine.

But I still knew that I would see those same blue ones waking up tomorrow next to him.


Hello Loves!!

Hope you enjoyed this cute chapter nothing much happened but next chapter I promise something will !

I love you loads!!!



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