Chapter 1: The club room

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I was supposted to publish this on the weekends because I feel that this chapter isn't good enough, but Im in a really good mood because of this thing in my old school! XJSJJSJSSNSN

I know you guys probably dont care but Im going to a dance concert in my old school! I missed it so much and its great opportunity to meet my old friends ^^ haha!

Alright I'll head back to this story:

It was a normal day at the club room.

Sean who was testing some song beats with Milly who was strumming her guitar; trying to find the right tune. Hailey was writing a new song for her and Jake to sing for a duet. Then, finally Zander and Luke who were playing piano, writing a song for each other too.

Then, there's Jake, who was late as usual.

"Okay let's try this again. 'A minor'--" The pink haired devil was about to strum her guitar until she noticed Sean drifting off to space. She noticed he was staring at something, or...some one. "Ey Sean? You listening or what?"

The ebony haired boy gasped, facing Milly. "Uh, yeah?"

"Who were you staring at? You okay?" Milly said, whispering.

"Nobody. Why?" Sean lied, he was looking at somebody. And that somebody was Luke and Zander. He couldn't help but listen to the lyrics of the song they were playing. He continued to watch them and listen to the lyrics they were making for their music:

"It's not romantic I swear~

I'm not gasping for air~

I want you to be here~

But please don't come ne--" Zander stopped singing. "Okay 1. Why do you keep looking at me and 2. What the heck is this freaking note?!" The purple haired boy growled at himself while his boyfriend next to him giggled.

Sean looked at them and smiled. He tried not to laugh like he was listening in to what they're saying.

"Why the heck are you staring at them, they are just doing some lovey dovey stuff-" Milly stopped. "You know Zander is dating Luke, right?"

Sean's face turned red in embarrassment. He whisper-yelled to his over-questioning friend, "wait, what are you thinking?! That's not what this is! And I don't have a crush on Luke if you're questioning that too?!"

"Then, what is it? You've been acting strange ever since we went into this club room!"

"I..." Sean started.

Milly was right about one thing. Sean was jealous, but not because he had feelings for either Luke or Zander, but because he wished he could be one of them. Luke's first love was Zander, so he was the lucky one, but Zander didn't have a crush on Luke for the first time; he had feelings for a boy he liked in middle school, but he realized the boy he liked was really, really mean to him and fell in love with a girl who also acted like a total snake. It took a while to realize that they both had feelings for each other, but when was Sean gonna have a an experience of that? Girl or boy?

Sean was about to answer Milly's question, when all of a sudden, the door kicked open and a peach haired boy came to view. He was hyperventilating like he'd been running all the way to get here.

Sean's heart skipped a beat as the singer entered the room.

"Finally, you're here! Now we can start!" Hailey sighed of relief. She clapped her hands, signaling everyone to go to their assigned spots to start rehersals.

Milly glared at Sean before turning to Jake and smiled.

"Sorry I'm late again. The line at the cafeteria-"

"Yeah we know, doofus just go to the mircophone with my sister." Zander interrupted.

Jake chuckled and did as he was told.

When he was walking to the mircophone, however, his eyes met with the DJ. He didn't understand, but he was staring at him. Jake tilts his head and waves to Sean happily. Sean smiled back, but tried his best not to resist his "crush's" heartwarming smile.

"So which song should we practice, ms. President?" Milly teased. It caused the tension of the DJ to slowly fade.

Hailey rolled her eyes at her friend's nickname for her. "Well, Jake, would you be down to sing take me away? Tonight? Gaming Life or maybe..." The teal haired girl turned towards Luke. "Maybe we play the song Luke and Zander wrote?"

Zander's face turned bright red. He stuttered manically. "No, nonono we are not doing that!"

"Only because the lyrics describes you perfectly." Hailey smirked, laughing.

"And also we aren't finished with the beats yet."

"Then I guess we'll start off with the first verse."

"We aren't done with that either!" Zander protested.

Luke pointed his two fingers, looking at his boyfriend with pleading eyes. "What if we play of what we have so far?" He put his hands together, smiling. He mouthed. "Can we, please?"

After a few minutes, Zander finally gave up. "Agh, fine..."

Luke silently cheered while Milly and Hailey did the opposite and cheered on the top of their lounges. Growling, Zander gave the mixed lyrics to Jake, going back to his piano ready to play of what he already had.

"'Kay, I sent the beat stuff to Sean." Luke smiled. He turned to Sean who was blacking out again. "Uh... did you get it, Sean?"

The zoned out DJ shook his head. "Wha- uh...oh yeah, I did. Thanks, Luke! Let's get this baby started!"

Unluckily for everyone except for one who was madly focused on the song about to be sang, Sean was feeling a little out of it today. He's blanking out, but nobody noticed, except for a certain pianist who was not so fond of the song, yet. Also because he knows the expression of when something was not right. He stared at Sean suspiciously before going back to what everyone was focusing on.

"You ready, Jake?" Zander asked.


Zander nodded, signaling him to start the song.

Jake took a deep breath.

'I've lost my cool I don't know how to act~

'Not even sure how I keep my pride intact

'Now I don't think this is it but can't you see. I am not falling for you so please be patient for me~

Sean's heart skipped a beat as he heard the lyrics...

"Oh it's not weird I swear! I'm not gasping for air. I really need you here but please don't come near~

"Now I'm pretty sure I know my heads exploding, I'm not ready for hand-holding.

"It's not love I swear...

"It might be closer to despair."

Milly clapped her hands enthusiastically. Hailey's eyes widened on how good Jake sounded (as usual). Luke's eyes shimmered while Zander's arm crossed, smirking wide.

"I think we found our missing lyrics."

Sean couldn't feel anything about the song. He didn't know how to make anything by it. How Jake sang it, how the lyrics just sprang across his mind and brain like the song had been made just for him...

All he could think of now was...despair.

Aw man ;w; I was about to end this with a Jean moment but I got so cautious about the word count. I dunno why but if it's already 1000 words, I keep telling myself to stop the chapter and just continue onto the next part-


I liked the ending though. Hopefully a week later I could end a chapter with a bit of a fluff Jean moment.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter nonetheless!

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