Chapter 7: The Times of Being Rejected

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When mom finally picked up, I found myself thinking about Sean again. The way he picked me up again was–

Oh no, here I am thinking about him again. I sighed. My mom looked up at me. “You okay, Jakes?” 

“I’m fine.” I mumbled. 

I looked up at the window and I suddenly saw a familiar house appear out of nowhere. That’s Sean’s house! “Hey, mom. I still have time, right? I-is it okay if I go to my friend’s house for a while?”

“That… boy?” Mom raised a brow. My face suddenly turned red when she said that. She looked at the time in her car and sighed. “Okay, fine."

I smiled, "Thank you, mom.”

She hailed her car and I opened the door. I said goodbye to my mom and she told me, “I’ll call you when it’s time to go.” I nodded and then she left.

To be honest, I was trembling. Like, would it be normal to visit your crush’s home all of a sudden?

I knocked on the door and heard a woman yell, “Sean?! A friend is here to see you!” I heard footsteps coming down and my heart was beating so fast. This… is probably not a good idea. 

The door opened and Sean’s eyes widened. All of a sudden, he dropped his phone. 

Sean looked at me and I chuckled. I picked up his phone, and we ended up entwining our hands. I gasped, pulling away. He did the same and I finally gave his phone to him. I wonder if this was the best choice. I feel sudden trembles across the pit of my stomach. 

“Hey Jake, what brings you here?” Sean asked, putting his phone inside his pockets.

Oh shoot. I told my mom to drop me off here because I wanted to tell Sean something. And I did. I wanted to tell him if he loved me or not. I… didn’t think his house would be a bad decision. “Well, I was bored and I know your address; so maybe we can do that vocal thingy again. Hailey can't stop reminding us about it anyway.” That was the best excuse. It was half true. 

“Oh…sure.” Sean looked at his mom and she nodded, pointing up. 

“You two can go up stairs.”

The DJ nodded and I followed Sean up the stairs. I think we’re supposed to be going into his room. Sean opened the door and I awed at the view. It was so clean! Like, literally cleaner than my room. There was music stuff all over the place; like headphones, DJ player, and the LED lights lit up the room like fireworks. 

I turn to Sean, “Your room is cleaner than mine to be honest.”

He chuckled and I could feel my cheeks bursting with heat. "Yeah, Milly saids that to me. I always keep my room tidy while playing some music in the background." 

I took a step closer to his bed and I saw a book laying down on the ground that saids, ‘My Journal.’ I was about to take it when he grabbed it from my hands. “U-uh, that’s private, sorry.”

Wait! So, that’s supposed to be his diary?! Without a warning, I smirked. "Ooooh~ looks like somebody's got a crush~" 

“What?! Crush?! No!” He put his journal inside his drawer, leaning to his desk. "I'm not ready for those kinds of things. It's not love, I swear." 

“Oh. I see.” I crossed my arms, feeling unsatisfied with what he just said. He… doesn’t have feelings for anyone? In my head, I’m trying to find the meaning for the ‘I’m not ready for those kinds of things.’ Maybe he does have a crush on someone. “Can you… at least tell me who this person is a little bit?”

Sean sighed and sat next to me on his bed. “You know that feeling where you wanna admit something, but… you just can’t?” 

Those words hit me hard like a bullet. “Y-yeah?” 

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