Chapter 9: Not worth saying anything

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"I'm in love with you, Jake."

Jake's eye widened in shock. He felt his legs tremble. "...What? Wait... do you really?"

Sean was also surprised at himself. There were some thoughts that he should've not done this. This awkward tension, not-facing each other. Is this what confessions are supposed to be? Sean took a deep breath. "Yeah."

Jake felt like his insides were screaming with joy once Sean said that word, Sean however, couldn't take it. Was he not ready or was this just one of the feelings you have when you're not that romantic.

Jake smiled. "So, that means we can be..."

"Jake I..." Sean felt his eyes water. "I can't."

Jake felt his heart drop. He was about to say something, but Sean beat him to it.

"Look, I like you. More than that even, but I'm ready for those... romantic things people do. The way I think about it, it feels very weird for me. Too new and.... y'know." Sean scratched his head.

Jake looked down for a while, then turned to Sean, smiling. "It's alright. I understand. We can take things slow for now." his smile grew wide as he said, "And when you're ready, you can tell me."

"Okay." Sean chuckled, his face turning pink, looking away from his now-boyfriend. However you wanna call it. He turned to the sky, seeing it slowly transforming into dark blue, he grabbed the groceries. "It's getting late. I better go."

"Alright." Jake took his groceries. "See you tomorrow?"

Sean nodded. He picked up his groceries and walked down the sidewalk. He turned to Jake again, waving his arms. Jake did the same.

It took a few more moments before the black haired boy disappeared into the streets. Jake couldn't believe what just happened. After that, he felt... confident and excited. If Sean can confess even though he has a fear of romantic things, maybe Jake can confess his secret to his parents.

Feeling happy, he walked to his front door with the groceries. And, not to his surprise, his brother showed up. His smile immediately died down.

"You look happy." Jake's brother crossed his arms, leaning against the wall in their living room. "For once."

"Haha." Jake said sarcastically. He put the groceries down and his shoes away as he did so. "Anyway, I'm in a very good mood. So don't bother giving me a hard time."

"Would you mind explaining what it is that you're happy about?" Miles smiled. It looked like a wicked smirk in Jake's eyes, however. Jake glared at his little brother.

"Why would I explain anything to you? You keep bursting into my private life and making me miserable. Is this what you do in your middle school; to other people? How childish, I thought you were growing up." Jake felt proud as he said those words. He stomped to his room, his brother looking at him; shocked at what he said.

Matt stepped forward. "I'm sorry."

Jake turned to him, about to open his room, but he was curious to hear what his brother had to say. "What?"

"I said I'm...sorry..." the smaller boy mumbled the last part.

"You mean about what you said to me before?" Jake scoffed and rolled his eyes. "A simple 'sorry' won't change what you said to me. If you're truly sorry, you'd stop getting in my way and keep your mouth shut."

Matt put his hands to his side and looked down. In Jake's eyes, he was probably angry about his brother saying that to him, but on the inside... It was a shame.

But, he knew that sorry wouldn't do anything.There was something inside of him that made him regret what he said about his big brother a while back. About everything he has done, but for some reason, he couldn't do it.

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