Chapter 16: The DJ and Singer who love each other

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“You and Drew are…” the drummer who wasn’t in the story for a long time for some reason, pointed to the two people in the club room, not knowing what to say. Drew was in the clubroom. ‘Drew’ was in the clubroom. The same person who bullied them and now apologized and is now dating Hailey. DATING Hailey. How weird is that? “You… and Drew… are…” 

The magenta haired boy and the teal haired girl were holding hands, nervously smiling. 

“Luke, you've been looking at them for a long time.” Milly giggled, punching Luke’s arm lightly. 

Luke rubbed his arms and turned to his boyfriend. “And you’re ‘fine’ with this?” 

“Are you kidding? No!” Zander crossed his arms. “But Hailey seems happy so…” 

“It’s kind of Jake and Sean’s fault for getting us together to be honest.” Hailey turned to the two boys who were listening to each other's music again. Sean noticed the room staring at them so he took off his earphones first. Zander glared at the peach haired boy.

“It was ‘you’?!” 

Jake surrendered. “I didn’t mean to! I literally didn’t mean to! He was asking if Hailey was dating anyone and I didn’t know.” he turned to the boy next to him. “Also why aren’t you blaming Sean too? We basically did this together.” Without thinking, the peach haired boy wrapped his arms around the DJ, making him turn away with a red face. 

“Annyway…” Milly intruded the conversation with a smirk. “Zander, did you finally finish your song?” 

Zander nodded and turned to Jake, pulling out his phone so Sean could play the completed song. “I’ll forgive you if you sing this song.” 

Jake turns to Sean and he nods. Jake went to the microphone and smirked at Drew. “You’ll finally hear me sing and tell me I’m awesome~” 

The magenta haired boy rolled his eyes and grabbed Hailey’s hands to put in his pockets. Hailey yelped. “Okay, okay. Just play the song already.”

Sean clicked on his computer, then music started playing. 

‘I’ve lost my cool, I'm not sure how to act…’



The singer blinked. It caused his gaze to turn to the black haired boy who was eating his cold vanilla ice cream. His face flushed red for a second. "Oh, I'm sorry Sean! I got a little distracted for a sec." 

Sean laughed. "Yeah, I know. You always do that. I always wonder why." 

Not even sure how I could keep my pride intact.’

Jake sighed and looked down dismissively. "Yeah, I wish you knew..." 

Sean raised a brow, smiling. "What was that?" 

"U-uh nothing! Do you want to share earpods again? It's kinda boring sitting here in the sun, don't you think?" 

I don’t know if this is it but can’t you see.’

The black haired boy smiled warmly. "Sure!"

Sean stood up and put his ice cream container in the recycling bin. Then, Jake followed after him. 

He went through his pockets and pulled out earpods for him and Jake to share. 

The duo has been making a lot of songs together lately and (of course), the music club has heard it and are really impressed! So, as a daily thing, the two get inspiration from other artists to make more songs and even from Zander. The pianist didn't want to admit it, but he's been having a lot of inspiration since he figured out Hailey and Drew got together. Jake and Milly can't stop laughing at that.

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