Chapter 2: A Pianists' Senses

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"How'd you complete the lyrics?" Luke clapped. Zander smiled behind him.

"Oh, I just found out what word speaks to the song. It must've been Mrs. Jones and her constant talking about music and completing poems'n stuff in English class."

"I really need to focus on those useless English stuff then." Milly giggled, followed by Jake.

"Good job, Jake. Oh..." Hailey was about to say another compliment when looked at the clock and all of a sudden, the bell rang. "Shoot. Rehearsals over, everyone."

"Oh come on!" Milly groaned. "I hate math." She turned to her senior friend, forgetting that she was mad at him before. She noticed he was spacing out again and the weird part was, he didn't even compliment Jake on his singing voice like he usually does. "Sean! The bell fricking rang!"

"Oh, yeah, right. Let's go." The zoned out DJ rummaged his backpack. Before he could continue, Hailey stepped in.

"Hey, Sean are you okay? You look tired."

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. I'm just-" his eyes darted to Jake and his face turned bright red. He turned away and sighed. "Distracted. That's all."

Nobody said a thing after that. They noticed the time was about to run out so they said the only thing that'll make Sean's day a little better: "hope you feel better soon."

Luke took Zander's hand, but before they could walk to their next class, Zander stepped aside. "Sweetie, can you stay there for a bit, I need to go talk to Sean.

Luke raised a brow, but he understood. The auburn boy gently kissed his forehead and point his thumbs to the door. "I'll be waiting over there, okay?"

Zander nodded and his boyfriend walked out the door.

Zander turned to the black haired boy who was standing just in front of the clubroom. He waited for Zander to go out first, but he didn't so he shrugged and walked passed the pianist, but before Sean could walk out, he stopped him.

"You really think you could get away that easily?" Zander crossed his arms.

"What do you mean? It's class time, Zander we need to go-"

"I saw how you were looking at Jake. You're in love with him aren't you?"

Sean's eyes widened. He didn't know if he was supposed to agree with Zander or shrug it off. He kept silent for a while, then his watch for the time. It was about to run out, he tried his best to avoid that question, so he chuckled.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Zander. Now come on! It's getting late, we gotta go!" Sean dragged Zander out of the clubroom and waved a goodbye to him and Luke.

The purple haired boy glared at the suspicious DJ. He stopped when Luke held his hand. "Is there something wrong?"

Zander paused. "" He looked at his boyfriend and pecked his lips. "Come on, let's go to PE."


"Uh... you okay, Zander? You've been quiet ever since the club room thing?" Luke stretched his arms while whispering to his boyfriend, trying not to let their teacher hear the conversation.

The purple haired boy sighed. "Okay, this is gonna sound crazy so bare with me..."

Luke raised a brow. What can be so crazy that you have to be silent and suspicious?

"Do you think that Sean has a bit of a crush on Jake?"

Luke looked like he spit water all over his boyfriend after he said those words. He mouthed a big, "what?!" He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I-I mean... even if that's actually happening, do you think Jake feels the same?"

"I...don't think so?" Zander said softly. "And I know it's none of my business but I think he was feeling weird because of the song we made. I wrote a few parts of it because of my feelings to you and now knowing this is happening to Sean..."

"Oh." Luke looked down, then at his boyfriend. He entwined his hand onto him. "Yeah, I think I know you feel."

Zander sighed. "What do you think I should do?"

"You can help Sean, I guess. I'm not really good at giving advice so, I'm sorry." Luke squeezed his hand tight.

Before Zander could say anything however, a student with dark brown hair came and yelled. "Hey gay boys! Stop being weird!"

The teacher glared at the boy, signaling him to stop.

The couple let go of their hands towards each other. Zander glared at the boy and meanwhile, Luke looked away.

Suddenly, he noticed that was Jake looking at them like he'd seen a ghost and he immediately looked away like he hasn't heard or seen the scene.

"Hey, Luke."

The auburn boy turned towards his boyfriend.

"Thank you."


Okay okay im sorry if this was so much lander but I couldnt help myself- ;-;

But I promise the next weeks will be a lot of Jean 😎 ...I think. If they get together. I guess chapter 4 is where things will get a little J U I C Y.

Anyway, hopefully you guys enjoyed and I'll see ya'll in the next part!

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