Chapter 3: A Great Idea

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This chapter took a lot of revising AAA-

Also its the first time I'm making stuff on my computer. Cool stuff Im doing rn but the writing page in this computer sucks-

Jake's POV:

'Why don't you love me...?'

I wrote that on a piece of paper.

I was supposed to be focusing on the unit in English class, but I couldn't focus. Well, maybe I can, but I was half focusing and my other half was just thinking thoughts about a boy and maybe coming...

Never mind that. I really need to focus on this lesson!

"Alright, you all will now get into partners. The person sitting right next to you will be your partner."

I rested a hand on my cheek. I didn't have a table partner today since she was absent. It didn't take long for Mrs. Jones to notice:

"Alright, can go partner up with Drew."

My eyes widened. I looked around me to see if any of my classmates don't have partners, but unfortunately, my old friend was the only one with no partner.

I hadn't talked to him ever since he and Zoey... broke up.

It was my fault. Or, no. It was Zoey's fault for having a sugar daddy in the first place. And it was his fault of bullying my friends! Speaking of Drew, I don't know if he still talks to Henry and Liam anymore. Maybe ever since I drifted away from the friend group, we all went our separate ways.

Maybe that was good for us.

I didn't stand up, Drew did. He sat next to me, but looked away.

"So..." he said. "How do you wanna start this?"

It took me a while to respond. "I don't know."

It was awkward. Should I just pretend none of those things have happened?

He turned towards the paper I've written and gagged. "Is that for your music girlfriend?"

I glared at him. "Drew, don't start this. And I told you, don't call her that!"

I saw Hailey and Zander look at me as I said the last part. I should really keep my mouth quiet.

"Alright, I was just asking."

There was another moment of silence. While Drew was thinking of what to write ( I think), I wrote on my paper again:

'Broken and bruised.'

'Left on the sidelines. Stuck at a red light. Waiting for my time.'

"We should use that?"

I jumped. "What?"

"We should use that thing you're writing about." Drew said.

For some reason, I think it worked. I wrote all the things I doodled; or maybe the right word is: written. I wrote all the things I've written on the final paper.

Drew erased some of the things I wrote. My eyes widened. "What are you doing?"

"I think it looks better like this."

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