Chapter 5: The Secret and Truth

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"Great job, you two." Mrs. Jones passed out the poem that Jake and Drew worked on. Surprisingly, they both earned an A+. Or... maybe it's probably not as surprising. Jake knew Drew's grades suddenly dropped because of Zoey and now that she is not in his life anymore. Drew's gonna be in honors English next year again like he did in Freshman year. Jake got to admit that was proud of him for taking the high road and moving on.

"Do you wanna keep the poem?" Jake asked him.

Drew shrugged. "If you don't want it, then I'll take it."

Jake knew that face. Drew wanted the poem. Jake didn't say anything and since Drew wanted it, he gave the poem to him. "So, like... how are you?"

Drew rested his hand on his head and sighed. "Been better." Jake saw a curve form in his cheeks, but it faded away quickly. " and Henry are beginning to talk now."

Jake's peach eyes widened. Looks like we haven't fallen apart. "Oh, you are?"

"Mhmm." Drew responded. "He told me to..." he shook his head and turned his glance away from the singer. "N-nevermind." He shook his head, after thinking for a few seconds, he changed the subject, trying to turn the conversation to make it about Jake. "So, how's your little music club? I heard you won the competition."

Jake smiled at him. "Yeah we did. Things have been pretty normal after all..." All of a sudden, he started to remember all the things that happened last year, which he wanted to forget about. "...'that'."

"I see." Drew tapped his fingernails on the desk. "How's your music girl- I mean Hailey?"

"Same as last time." Jake rolled my eyes, laughing. He picked up his phone to see a message from none other than Hailey. Jake sighed and turned to look at her, then back to Drew. "I think I'm supposed to be working on this vocal thingy with Sean, but I guess I'll do it after school." Jake's face suddenly turns red after the mention of the DJ's name. He remembered the sleepover, how he almost fell and how he wanted to press his lips against-

"So, you still have feelings for her?" Drew interrupts Jake's thoughts.

Jake's eyes widened and he yelled in the loudest voice, "No, I don't!" letting everyone in the room hear. Everyone turned to look at the two, even Mrs. Jones. The peach haired boy's face turned red in complete embarrassment.

" there a problem over there?"

"No, no. Sorry, Mrs. Jones!" Jake laughed nervously before turning to Drew again.

The magenta haired boy glared at him. "Do you have to make a spectacle everywhere you go?"

"Sorry, it's just... you kinda surprised me. And, I don't have feelings for Hailey anymore. I've actually...moved on." Jake rested his cheeks with the palm of his hand. He thought to himself 'Again...'

"Wow, I was right. You do move on fast." Drew looked down. Then, he smirked. "By who, then?"

"Sea-" Jake realized what he was about to say and immediately stopped. That could mean that Drew would know about who he really is. He didn't want that. Not after what happened last year with the recording.

"What?" Drew raised a brow, smiling.

"I don't feel comfortable telling you."

Drew scoffed under his breath, his smile fading away. "What, why?"

Jake glared at him. "I just don't feel comfortable telling anyone right now, okay?"

"Okay, okay fine." The magenta haired boy folded his arms and looked down, disappointed and completely frustrated.

💙You put me in a Love Despair🖤 (Music Freaks Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now