Chapter 8: The Secret Confessions

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The pink haired devil screamed on the top of her lounges. She was inflamed, shocked, and probably angry at her oldest friend.

"Now, now, hear me out! I know what you're thinking, but there's a reasonable explanation."

"Dude! You just rejected your crush! REJECTED!!!" She grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him frantically. "Do you want me to spell that out for you!? I'm not good with English, but I know how to spell rejected and I am not that dumb!"

Sean sighed. "I just..." But, as a matter of fact, Milly was right. Yesterday, Sean just rejected his crush. Well, he knew his crush was talking about him, but he just didn't know how to respond, what might happen next, so he just pretended that he didn't know it was him. "Okay, I was gonna tell him, but I couldn't."

"Okay, you know what? This is probably not my problem. I know you're not ready for these kinds of things yet." Milly tried to calm down, but something inside her just makes her want to burst again. She mumbled to herself. "I just... feel bad for..." She tapped on the benches, staring at the flowers her boyfriend and his garden club did. It was one of the things that calmed her down. She breathed. "I need to ask you a question."

Hearing that, Sean turned to Milly.

"Do you want to be with Jake?" Milly said. "Do you wanna just... do everything with him and be with him forever?"

Sean was about to respond, but stopped. He did want to be with Jake. He did want to do everything with him and be with him forever, but something is stopping him from doing it. It's his fear. The fear of being in a relationship. What if it turns out bad? What if they break up? What if it doesn't work out? "...I don't know."

"It's a yes or no question." Milly tapped on the benches again. "You know Jake. You know that he'll never do anything bad to you. You're not ready for romance yet, tell him. Let him take you out on a platonic date or whatever. Just let him know that you feel the same way. I'm so sorry if I'm forcing you to confess to him it's just- I just-It's just..." she put both her hands on her friend's shoulder and immediately wrapped her arms around him as she sobbed dramatically. "I don't wanna see you both suffer in romantic drama! You're too young! I JUST WANT YOU TO BE HAPPYYY!"

Sean tapped his friend's shoulder. "Okay, okay, there, there, Milly. Calm down." he rolled his eyes, but on the inside, he thought about what Milly said and he sighed. "Okay, fine. I'll think about it."

Milly sniffed and held Sean tighter.

The bell rang.

It was time for rehearsals, but Hailey didn't show up yet. The unknown number called her yesterday and the worst part was: it was Drew. Out of all the people that could haunt her, it was Drew. Freakin' Drew. Why did it have to be Drew? She was about to tell Zander, but would he really take any chances in the fact that his sister was gonna visit the person who manipulated their friend last year and bullied them for years?

Of course not.

The first person that was on her mind to tell was Jake, but she didn't want any drama. Anything that happened last year, cannot happen this year again.

She went outside to an alleyway Drew told her to meet her in. Hailey looked around for him and spotted a magenta haired boy in the corner, holding his phone and smirking at the aqua haired girl.

Hailey glared at him and stomped towards the rich boy.

Once Drew saw her coming, he waved. "'Sup, music frea-"

"Okay what do you want now!?" Hailey spatted, ready to punch the magenta haired idiot.

"Woah, woah!" Drew surrendered. "I wasn't here to pick up a fight, lady."

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