Chapter 15: Making Things Right...

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Jake arrived home with a phone in his hand and a smile on his face. He read the messages on Sean's phone on the way to his house. The two ended up not meeting up after the whole Zander-Hailey argument in the hallways because Hailey and Zander decided to go home together and apologize. Then, Jake and Sean went their separate ways home.

The messages read:

'Sean: Did you end up convincing Zander...'

'Sean: About u know...'

Then Jake responded with:

'Jake: Yeah I did surprisingly hahahhahahaa'

'Jake: Did you comfort Hailey?'

It didn't take long for Sean to respond to Jake's message.

'Sean: Yeah I did!'

'Sean: Wow we make a pretty good team. ^^'

Jake's eyes lit up at the message. He leaned against his doorway. He's forgotten to knock on this door, not knowing how to respond to Sean's message. He thought for a moment until a short boy peeked through the door.

"Jake what the hell?"

The peach haired boy jumped to see his brother. "U-uh..."

"I almost freaked out; I thought there was a stranger in our house or something." Matt sighed in relief, resting one of his hands on his chest. Jake let himself in, seeing his mom, he waved. Matt put his hands down. He noticed his brother using his phone on the doorway of all places? Matt was curious so he tried to get a closer look. "What the heck are you doing?"

Jake put his phone up. He was tall, making it difficult for Matt to reach. "That is none of your business," he said.

"Wow okay." Matt crossed his arms. He smirked, saying, "So that's your boyfriend or something?"

Jake's cheeks turned red, putting his hand on his brother's mouth. "Mom's here!" he whisper-yelled.

Matt got Jake's hand off his mouth. "Ouch..." the little boy turned to his mom. He forgot that neither he and Jake have confessed to their parents that they both have crushes on a guy. Jake still wasn't ready, but after their talk yesterday, Matt was ready. "Right..." he looked down. "Hey are you doing anything?"


"Good." Matt grabbed Jake's arm and dragged him to his room.

"Wha- Matt hey!"

"Be nice Matt!" Jake's mother yelled to the two brothers.

"I will, mom!~" Matt chirped and closed the door behind him.

Jake raised a brow. Mom never talked with Matt like that before. "Matt-"

Jake and Matt stood in the side of the room. Jake looked around and saw piles of clutter, tiny colored papers and pens surrounded the floor, and the bed was scattered. It looked like a school project turned to a disaster.

"Oookay...?" Jake put his hands on his pockets. "What do you want?"

Matt gave his most persistant grin before saying, "Jake, I think you should come out to mom!"

Jake's eyes widened. "Matt!?"

"Hear me out, idiot." Matt rolled his eyes. "I think mom actually supports us. And... maybe dad. But, I know she supports us. I told her about the thing you told me and she's been paying attention a lot and-"

Jake scratched his head. "Matt, I don't think you know what you're getting ourselves into." He sighs. "Coming out isn't really... I mean... how would we even tell her?"

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