Chapter 10: A Platonic Date Part 1

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TW: mentions of Vandalism (idk if that's something I need a put a warning to but I'll do it anyway :3)

Jake's POV:

Ever since I've confessed to Sean... Or... I guess it was Sean who confessed to me; everythings been so calm lately. Maybe the right word isn't calm but it's rather: I'm feeling so damn happy. It's simple, but it's what I've been feeling lately. Like, even my brother stopped getting in my way, it's getting a little odd.

Anyway, today, Sean, Milly, and I have been working on the song together. I've been trying hard not to burst out the fact that Sean and I are 'platonically' going out since he isn't comfortable, but I think that he already told her. Maybe Milly found out herself, but I didn't bother to bring it up since I didn't want to make Sean feel uncomfortable. And I guess that holding hands and calling each other pet names can wait as well.

I think what I'm most worried about is making Milly get mad. She told me something after music practice...


"Hey Sean! I'm gonna have a little chat with Jake for a bit. Would you mind waiting with the others?" Milly called out. Once Sean nodded, Milly pinned me against the wall.

"Wah- Hey, Milly what are you-"

"I know what this is about with Sean and you, Jake." My eyes widened. Did Sean tell her?

"Uh... I-"

Milly clenched her fists like she was about to hit me. I flinched. "And you know Sean is sensible when it comes to love and you're the first person he fell for so you know what?" She glared at me. "If you hurt him in any way I won't hesitate to punch that sick smirk off your face. You got that?"

I nodded slowly. I was too breathless to think right now.

Once Milly unpinned me, she skipped towards Sean.



Sean's POV

Ever since I've confessed to Jake, everything has been well. Today, Jake, Milly and I were doing vocals and sounds for the song again and I didn't stutter at all. Honestly, I think I have been feeling a bit comfortable standing with Jake.

Nothing has been awkward and I don't think I'm worried about anything. Maybe it's because I'm having a good day. I... am a bit nervous about going to the mall with Jake, though. Oh and for the record, this is not a date. It's just a hang-out between friends.

There is one person I'm worried about, though. And that's Hailey. She's been acting a little strange ever since she's been late that day. I decided to confront her about it. I'm pretty sure Zander knew something was up, but he didn't utter a word. So, I thought it was best that I talked with Hailey myself.


"'Sup Hailey."

Hailey put her phone inside her pockets and chuckled softly. "Oh, hey Sean. Nothing much. Just... Uh... school work and stuff."

"Oh, I see." I scratched my head. My tummy turned into having butterflies. I guess it's about time I head straight to the point. "I notice you've been going through your phone a lot, um..."

"Oh. That."

"Is it a someone?~" I smirked.

Hailey's face turned red. "No! It's... uhm..." I could tell she tried to fight back, but nothing worked on her.

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