It's a date?

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Momo's POV

"Um Sana wait" I called for her to wait. I don't know what came over me but I just couldn't see her walking away. I am probably gonna regret this but here it goes.

"Yeah" she said turning around.

"Well if you want that much we can have dinner tomorrow" I said nervously. I didn't want to lead her on but my heart said otherwise.

"Really?omg okay great" she seemed really excited.

"Okay so can I have your number?" she continued.

"Why?" I replied immediately.

She chucked "so that we can discuss where we'll be going silly."

"Oh right" I felt so stupid.

We exchanged numbers.

"So I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

"Yeah bye Sana"

"Okay bye Momo" she gave me a wide smile and walked away.

Ugh that smile!!!

I just finished my day and was ready for bed when my phone beeped. I checked it and it was a text from Sana. I just saw what she saved her number in my phone as.

Your Satang💜:Hey Momo 😉

Ugh this girl

I contemplated about whether I should text her back or not. I should probably text her back because knowing her she might just come in my house.

Me: Hi..

Your Satang💜:Oh so you're awake I am glad☺️


Your Satang💜:Cause I couldn't sleep thinking about you

My heart rate picked up. I want to stay away from this girl but she makes it so hard for me.

Me:Okay?Goodnight I am tired.

Your Satang💜:Okay goodnight. We can discuss about our date in school tomorrow.

Me:Yeah whatever and btw it's dinner not a date.

Your Satang💜:We'll see ;)

Sana's POV

Today is the day i'm gonna take Momo out on a date. I'm really excited like I've never been before. She got a grip on me which she doesn't even realize she has. I don't know where I'm gonna take her. I don't know about her likes and dislikes. I decided to talk to her friends to decide on where to take her.

I saw Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung in the football field so I approached them. We're on the same team but we aren't close. We only talk when it's necessary. Maybe that's why I didn't notice Momo before.

"Hi Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung" I greeted them smiling.

"Hey Sana " they greeted me back.

"Um I actually needed a favor from you guys."

"Yeah sure what's up" Jeongyeon replied.

"I'm actually taking Momo on a date tonight so I nee.." I didn't't finish my sentence when Chaeyoung interrupted me.

"Wait Momo?you mean Hirai Momo?" she asked with a shocked expression.

"Um yeah" I replied.

"Did she agree to go on a date with you?" Jeongyeon asked equally shocked.

"Um yeah" I was getting really confused . "Is something wrong" I asked.

"Oh no nothing's wrong. It's just Momo going on a date is quite weird." they giggled looking at each other.

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