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Momo's POV

I can't stop smiling. I just kissed Sana, the person on whom I've had crush on for years and had been falling for, for the past few weeks. I have never had such a passionate kiss before. I've kissed 2-3 people before in my life but it was just for the sake of it. Kind of like sealing the date kinda thing which never led to a second date. But with Sana it's different. I crave for her presence, I just wanna be with her all the time. And I can feel that she feels the same way about me and it makes me so giddy inside. That kiss is still lingering on my lips and I wanna do it 1000 more times.

Omg I'm Minatozaki Sana's girlfriend. I can't believe it.

Just on cue my phone beeped and it was a text from Sana.

My Satang💜: Baby you up?

Yes I changed her name to "My Satang💜" coz she is my Satang only mine.

Me: Yeah.. did you study as I told you to?

I am really worried about her grades. She like never studies.

My Satang💜: Yes Mom..

My Satang💜: Are you going to sleep now?Did I disturb you?

Me: No you didn't. I was actually thinking about you.

There it is. I said it. I just wanna be honest with my feelings and tell her everything I am feeling.

My Satang💜: You mean our kiss? ;)

I blushed a little. Ofcourse I was thinking about that.

Me: You're so full of yourself.

My Satang💜: Well I am the one who made you moan so yeah I'm full of myself ;)

Ughh she's never gonna let it go is she? What is she gonna do when we have sex and I moan her name so loud and for multiple times. Wait why am I thinking about sex? Ughh Minatozaki Sana has corrupted my mind.

Me: Whatever Satang. I am gonna sleep now. Goodnight.

My Satang💜:Aww is my baby getting shy?

Okay goodnight.

See you in my dreams

Hope you'll too...dream about today..and maybe more ;)

Ofcourse I will. She doesn't even have to tell me. These days I am dreaming about those things a little too much. I put my phone down and went to sleep, once again dreaming about Sana.

Sana's POV

I decided to pick up Momo from her house today so I woke up earlier than usual. I didn't tell her I was coming to pick her up and just waited for her outside her house. She came out of her house and her jaw dropped when she saw me.

"What are you doing here?" she asked walking towards me.

"Am I not allowed to pick up my girlfriend?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Of course you are. I was just surprised that's it." she leaned in and kissed me on my lips.

Her lips taste so sweet.

"Oh is my little Momoring suddenly brave now?" I teased her after we pulled back.

"Okay fine I won't kiss you" she rolled her eyes and freed herself from me but I pulled her back and kissed her again. I could feel her smiling against the kiss.

"Don't you dare say such things." I said and flicked her forehead.

She started whining while I opened the car door for her and I took a seat on the driver's seat.

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