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No one's POV

Sana was walking aimlessly in the street. She doesn't even know what she's gonna do, where she's gonna go. She doesn't even understand why she left her house. It was just getting too much for her.

Having Momo there with her without Momo knowing what was going on inside Sana's head made her feel guilty? she doesn't even know what she is feeling.

She is a fucking mess and she is so so confused.

She knows it's not fair on Momo. She just left her there without any explanation, without even looking at her. The last thing she wants to do is to hurt Momo but that's all she's been doing lately.

This is not fair, she shouldn't do this to Momo. Momo doesn't deserve this.

Momo woke up after a few hours. When she checked the time it was four in the morning and Sana was still not here. She got off of the bed and put on her clothes and made her way out of the bedroom to check if Sana is in the living room but no, Sana is still not home.

Momo was still in pain because of last night so she sat on the couch and decided to wait for Sana there.

After a few minutes she heard the click of the door. The door flung open and revealed Sana. She felt so relieved but it was short-lived after she saw what a mess Sana was.

She was reeking of alcohol, her hair was a mess and she also had bruises all over her face.

Momo stood up on shaky legs and made her way towards Sana. She was so scared seeing Sana like this. Sana was stumbling and could barely even walk. Momo helped her and made her sit on the couch.

"S-satang what happened? W-why are there bruises on your face?"

"Hmmm w-wh w-what?" Sana couldn't even speak anything. She was such a mess.

Momo was scared and hurt and in so much pain, physically and emotionally but Sana's well being comes first. She could get answers later but right now the most important thing was to take care of Sana. She got a first aid box and started treating Sana's wounds without questioning her. Sana hissed in pain but she didn't fight it, she didn't have that much strength to fight anything.

After Momo treated her wounds, Sana laid her head on Momo's lap while mumbling something which Momo couldn't understand. Momo just caressed her hair and in no time Sana fell asleep. Momo couldn't carry Sana to the bed so she just laid her head on a pillow and covered her with a blanket.

Momo watched Sana sleep and she looked so at peace. Obviously something was bothering her a lot which she's been hiding from Momo. Momo needs to find out what's going on. She's gonna confront Sana anyhow after she wakes up, she's not gonna be scared anymore.

Sana woke up with a terrible headache. She'd promised Momo that she'd never drink again, she broke that promise that night. She promised Momo she'd not get into stupid fights anymore, she broke that promise too. She promised Momo that she'd always take care of her, she broke that promise as well.

She doesn't deserve Momo.

Somehow she sat up on the couch and saw Momo making something in the kitchen. Momo saw Sana wake up so she brought lemon water and gave it to her. She didn't speak a word and went to the bedroom.

After a few seconds Sana saw Momo with her things, walking towards the front door.


Momo didn't say anything and kept walking towards the front door.

"M-Momo wait ..." Sana somehow got in front of Momo and blocked her way.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. where do you think?" There was a bite in Momo's tone.

"Oh okay.. um... " Sana was struggling to say what she was feeling.

"I am sorry" she said in a very low voice.

"You are? For what? For leaving me in the bed alone? For not listening to me? For getting mindlessly drunk? Or for coming home with all these bruises and making me worried? For what huh? For what Sana?"

Sana was taken aback by Momo's tone. She had never seen Momo like this.

"You know what Sana, last night after you fell asleep I kept thinking about the things I might have done wrong but I could think of nothing. I always blame myself when you get angry, when you get drunk, when you get into stupid fights. But no it's not my fault, it's yours. I know there's something going in your mind but instead of telling me what's wrong, you find ridiculous ways to cope with it. It's not okay. The way you react to things, the way you treat me it's not fucking okay." Momo poured everything that was bothering her. She couldn't keep it anymore. She was tired of being afraid.

"I- I don't know what to say. I- I am really sorry Momo" Sana said while looking down.

"Saying you're sorry isn't enough Sana" Momo was so close to screaming. "Tell me what's going on in your mind? Tell me what's wrong?"

Sana sighed. It's better to tell Momo now.

"My parents wants me to get married as soon as I graduate but..." Sana trailed off, not being able to complete the sentence.

"But what? You're not ready yet? So tell them. I'd also not want to get married as soon as we graduate."

"It's not with you." Sana whispered. Momo almost didn't hear it but how could she not. Those simple words were enough to break her heart into million pieces.

"N-not with me? T-then whom?"

"Mina" Sana sighed.

"M-mina?" Momo was so close to breaking down.

Sana heard the crack in Momo's voice so she finally looked up at her. She could see Momo's eyes brimming with tears. And yet again she hated herself for that.

"Yeah her and mine parents decided it years ago as it would be beneficial for both of our businesses and we both agreed at that time. But after I met you I said I didn't wanna go through it but my parents and Mina just shut me down. I don't know what to do Momo. I am so fucking confused" Sana screamed in frustration.

"C-confused? So you want to get married to Mina? How can you be confused when you've a fucking girlfriend Sana." Momo was losing all her cool. She couldn't control it anymore.

"It's not that simple Momo. If I don't agree to do this they're gonna cut me off, they are gonna throw me out of their life in no time. Their reputation is everything to them"

"You know what I don't have time for this" Momo turned around to get out but Sana caught her wrist and stopped her.

"Momo don't go please"

"Why do you want me to stay Sana? You're getting married to someone else. What to do you want from me? To be your mistress or something?"

"Momo please don't say that. I- I..."

"You know what fuck you. Have a happy married life" Momo jerked Sana's hand and got the hell out of there. She kept crying all the way to her house and couldn't stop even when she got there. She cried and cried until there were no tears left to shed.

"I hate you Minatozaki Sana. I hate you so fucking much." she kept repeating it, hoping that it'd turn into reality. But no, it was of no use.

She still loves Sana more than anything in the world.

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