55: Pure Anger

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My hand moved, as I felt fingers trickle against my forehead, soft caressing almost wiping the dried tears that had formed overnight. The dried tears that had formed and never had weaved down my skin.

I remembered the night, I had told him it all, the box still on the floor likely next to us. The questions, and his soothing answers he offered me, he didn't search for the answers but he dove to find them and he didn't give up, he was a powerhouse. A moving world wind of love.

"It's not morning yet". He whispered into my ear as I moved my head to his chest, opening my eyes softly and he peeled up, kisses running down my cheek.

"Wake me up, when it is morning then". I whispered to him as he nodded, feeling the way his whole body moved as the motion followed through his whole body. He smiled, kissing my head and letting his hands wrap around me. My body felt magic flow through as he surrounded me from all sides. And I fell back to sleep, the magic pulling me into a slumber.

"I-don't even know what to say". Words came flying out as I opened my eyes, my chest evidently on Dallas's bare chest. There stood Nolan pacing the room, like the doorway was an open cliff waiting for him to jump off. Shit. He had seen us, obviously now. It was still the night, he looked like he hadn't gone to sleep yet and there was a pack of UNO in his hands. He wanted to play a game with me and he walked in, unaware of the boy in my bed.

Dallas was up, staring at the monstrosity we had created. And I hated that Nolan was here, staring at us like we didn't belong. Obviously we didn't belong in this bed, with him staring at us like we were maddeningly lost. I knew Dallas hated the sneaking, he couldn't stomach the thought of Vi doing this behind his back, but I felt comforted sleeping next to him throughout the night. It soothed both our minds and hearts.

"Look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come". Dallas said, apologizing to Nolan as he got up from the bed, finding it god awful that his clothes were in a pile on the ground and his shirt was on me, the irony I couldn't face it. I couldn't have Dallas be the brunt of Nolan's anger.

"It was my fault, I begged him to come... please don't be angry". I spoke up, getting up off the bed, trying  to find a way to make me look more appropriate, but nothing could stop that hideous look on Nolan's face. He was appalled, determinedly appalled as he watched Dallas and I, eyes darting back to each other.

"I doubt that. It's always the pesky men that come through and do these things". Nolan scoffed, speaking like Dallas wasn't presently beside me, but right now I would think he's feeling like he had never wanted more than to be further from me. Never ever.

"I asked him. And nothing happened. We slept, and nothing happened." I tried being calm explaining the situation, but it came out as stressed, I felt stressed. I seemed stressed for the most part as he looked over at me. I tried reassurance but Nolan had already made his mind up about what had happened.

He seemed ticked, maddened as he looked over at the messy bed. I tried to clean it, straighten the covers and the messy duvet. But it was beyond fixable, everything was beyond fixable.

"Please leave, so I can talk to Melody". Nolan spoke curtly, as Dallas moved quickly grabbing his shoes. He needed to stay, I needed him to stay. I couldn't handle him leaving now.

I had spilled my guts to Dallas, and we talked but I needed to know where he was, I needed to hear his voice. It was a lot to take in, a lot to process the weight of it all, my enormous baggage. My egregious baggage.

"He's not going". I said, announcing as Nolan looked at me like I shouldn't argue with him. I was being curt, arguing with him, because I don't know. I felt a stake in my heart grow from the conversation from last night. I needed him to stay. He couldn't leave not now.

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