The first.

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It all happened so fast.. the earth quakes..the exits breaking, even the new puddles, seeping in from who knows where, and Kai, a researcher, have been caught in the middle of it all.

It was a normal day in the facility, some new oils🦅🇺🇸 and rocks found, already sent on there way to the (whatever political power you have) for the expansion of your country's wealth.


The alarm cut through the air. Kai hastily begin his way to the lobby as the world around him shook and grumbled.

Ubiquitous and loud was the ever growing earthquake as it split copious small cracks in the dirty flooring below his running feet. "What's going on?!"
A ceiling light creaked above, casting dancing shadows among the researchers paper.

Others ran beside him, pushing and shoving to get to the lobby as the guide said to do if anything goes amiss. He looked at the last set few set of doors before the lobby. All clamouring with people trying to get through. Then at the open cave. Nothing in the cave was dangerous, only the forever long and high ceilings above. His feet thundered amongst the dirt joining in with the endless rumble.

A pale blue crystal shot up from the ground, and the earth shook even more violently.

Blue puddles seeped up and blue popped up all around the once barren cave. The lobby was so close. Just one more step, just one more step, just one more step. He entered the lobby, unsure why everyone was so worried. Weren't earthquakes common here, and what's so special about the lobby?

Many gathered here, looking each one looking around anxiously. Kai saw an important looking figure grab a megaphone. "Settle down! This is nothing that we, and our important government funds, can not handle. Yes the earth is shaking, so we have pillars. Yes the foundations are crummy, so we fix them with money. How do we get money? Research, research, and research.

I know you are all scared but it's all under control! We've been given a opportunity by Mother Nature herself to prosper, based on brand new expensive crystaline components."

"I quit!" Someone cried out from the crowd. "I don't want to work at a place where I fear the roof might fall. Where we profit off counterfeit goods."

"Ah my dear friend, you just don't realize the opportunity!" Megaphone man responded, "You have the opportunity to change the world, into something entirely different."

Something about that last statement reverberated within our one chapter protagonist, Kai.

"Now, get back to your designated stations! Each researcher will be assigned their respective new assignment at noon. Too compensate for the tiny troubles, you'll all notice a tiny raise in your pay check."

Everyone perked up at this, holding their breath. They all worked here for the experience or pay that was advertised but all they got, was basic boring low earning experience.

"Congratulations everyone! You all now earn more than the minimum wage! Spend wisely. Inflation has reached the cafeteria prices, after all."
They put away the megaphone and walked off. Leaving everyone else to their own choices.
"I hate my job."

Others resumed ushered conversations and some left, presumably back to their respect stations. He listened to a hushed dialogue between two janitors. This was how he got the daily news.

"Did you hear Jerry proposed to Blake?"

"What! No way! What did he say?"

"He uh, broke up with him."

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