Pailed to meet you

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"Psst, I bet I could flip that bucket with my eyes closed!"

"Something seems off about this whole place, stop messing around and let's leave.."

"Stop being such a wet blanket, what could a bucket even do, fall on my pinky toe?"

The reckless fool picked up the obnoxiously orange bucket, chucking into the air, they both waited in anticipation as it sailed in the air. It landed with a thud on its side.

"Wooow, you are so good at flipping buckets."

"I was just getting started! I bet I could flip the bucket my.. foot!"

"I bet $5 you couldn't."

Picking up the bucket, they drop-kicked it. It landing right side up, bright orange contrast to the dull grey of the undeterred floor.

"You owe me $5, in the mean time let's keep exploring."

The pair walked around, the one carrying the bucket gave up on trying to hold it as it kept clacking against sore knees and just put it on their head.

"You look very goofy right now."

"Not as goofy when you literally jumped at a glowing yellow dog."

"We don't talk about that, besides.. I didn't even react that much!"

"Oh please, you became a jumping spider for a second."

They traversed the seemingly empty place until someone happened.

"Why'd you stop? We're almost done with this place."


"Are you okay..?"

"Gosh fiddly darn, I am in a connotation of pain right about now." The feeling of suffocation and pain soared through, making way for nothing.

They awoke on the musty floor, head fuzzy(in both ways).
"What the fuck just happened and why am I here?"
They got up, and sensitive ears flicked to a sound just beyond a corner. They walked to the sound, footsteps muffled by orange fur. The culprit sat in a fetal position clearly rattled by something, the humans eyes glided towards the other humanoid.

They jumped up and backed away in a defensive position, ready to jump out of their skin at the slightest movement.

"Am I just that ugly? Dang."

"What are you."

"No idea but you look and seem familiar!"

They could tell something was off about the human, unease rubbed off them.

"Your taunting me aren't you. I'm not taking any of your shit, give me my friend."


"Don't play dumb with me." The once cautious easy goer pulled out a knife, aiming it.

"Woah! How about we put the knife down, I'm already here with you and we can try to figure this out" they coaxed, raising paws to show they didn't have hostile intent.

(Please note I'm not trying to portray anything here, just writing as I go)

Their orange paws came into their line of sight, "Holy cow I'm a furry!"

It seemed that loud reaction was all that was needed. They felt the sharp sting of wall against their back, then the agonizing pain as fur and flesh ripped apart to make way for a jagged knife. They hissed in pain and shock, trying to apply pressure to the rough wound but the unfamiliar paws were of no use. They puffed up their fur and unsheathed their claws with a snarl, eyes locked on the human. A line of red trickled down from a spot on their chest, matting the fur. Blood loss is a dangerous thing.

The catte didn't have the energy to stay up, they collapsed on cool metal floor, that was the last thing they felt before all senses faded, all but one, the taunting of a once friend and the harsh ringing jumping between ears.

Despite being stabbed by that guy, they still had a loyalty to defend them for some.. odd reason.
"Fear changes people, I hold accountable for my death, I reacted in a way that caused more fear, that's exactly what the feline response is. The floor is cold like how my body will soon be, perhaps I could have prevented this whole thing and traversed this place in peace with ###. If not here, in another universe."

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