/e dance(NR)

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After a long week of resting and waiting for something, it finally happened. The power cut out, leaving only darkness and the taunting glow of bioluminescence. It's finally time!
You admired your gray fur as the tips slowly dappled into a brilliant blue, and gasping green, ravishing red, I'm not gonna keep going, point is ur vip nightshade. Some goos and humans immediately know where to go for a epic party. During this time, the Chris Pratt alter becomes a place of peace and dance. The multicoloured crystals shine in contrast to the dim cave. Setting up the boombox, you heard padding out side as a catte approaches

"Potassium! Glad you could make it" you say, starting up the boom box. After awhile more goos filter in, you wonder if a human is gonna join in, none came last time. A fig fell into the water and got helped up by a nuclearrabbit. Few humans join the party and one even used a archangel guitar to play along with the music! A fed glared at the humans before walking up to you

"You should kick out the humans"
"What? Why"
"They. Are. Humans. Does much more need to be said"
"Yeah, both teams are welcome here"
"Well- they shouldn't be" he scoffed
"They are less than us, let's just infect them and continue before they ruin the vibe"
You sighed and a shade goes to escort the fed out of the cave, you can't have anyone disrupting the dance.
Soon you felt an ache in your bones and quieted the music, causing other to look.

"Alright guys.. that was great and can't wait till next time, black outs about to end so you might wanna disperse admist the facility while it's still dark"

Some immediately left, needing to hide before the human hoards activated, and other let out disappointed groans, but slowly, they left. You packed up the boombox and accidentally walked into the wall, one of your shade liners fell off, oh well. You lifted your shades and thoughtlessly set off to the glass walk way, and you entered and closed the door behind you.

The lights shuddered and snapped you back to reality, you had to shield your sensitive eyes from the brightness at first. You took your time walking past the shark pool, watching the fins gracefully glide across the smooth water, leaving a white trail in their wake. Ever since they fixed up the gas canisters, it's been easier to walk in that room, of course you couldn't be transferred again but it did sting your wolf-like eyes.

After tripping down the stairs, you made your way to the broken bridge, and slowly climbed underneath to a rocky platform you call home. It was sturdy and you wouldn't be found, it was large enough to have some pillows from the garden, boombox and a little slime friend. A pink slimepup wagged wildly when she saw you, tail lightly whacking the separator between the platform and the unrelenting void below. You delivered some pets, and set down the boombox, the pup(sponge) gently sniffed it and sat down on the assortment of pillows. "Okay that's not for you when I'm here" you tsk, pushing aside the gelatine dog. You took a small nap, and awoke to footsteps ahead and voices.

"Do ya recon we'd be able to close that gap"
"Nah, only a flying goo can cross that"
"..what could be the worse that could happen if I try, asides from falling"
"Let's see, you would probably be stuck over there, and without any food or water, you'd die"
"And why wouldn't I just jump back"
You glance at sponge, who cautiously raised a paw
"Get across once, your lucky and insane, get across twice and your a slime dragon"
"Or a witchbrew!"

The two continue bickering but at least they walked away.
Sponge turns to you with pleading eyes, walking in a circle.
"What are you doing?"you laugh
"Wanna go for a walk?" Sponge stars wagging and jumping around so you peek above the bridge and grab the small slime. You put her on the bridge before you scampered up, the two of you walk to the shark room, while sponge chased the shark fins, someone decides they need some credits. They charged at you with a nailed bat, you step to the side and swiped at their head, they collapsed down into the water, yanked by a fin. After some splashing around and tiring out sponge you decide to head back, you stopped as you heard the gas doors open, and a hazmat runs to the glass walkway, carrying a boombox.. wait.. that's your boombox! You wait about five minutes, held back by sponge deciding your tail was a chew toy. Walking towards the walkway, sponge paws at you to be carried
"No.. you can walk"
The cave door is open and you entered, and heard distorted music in the Chris Pratt room, you carefully enter, unsure what's about to happen.

Sponge waits outside, "hidden" in the tall grass. In the back of the room was a broken boombox, playing a distorted tune, along with that piece from your glasses. You get the message it was sending and run out, you snatch sponge and race to the home, smelling and hearing no one is there, you enter under, the pillows are torn and some are gone, food supplies pillaged and tossed about. "How could this happen.."
Sponge whines at the mess.
You pick her up and set out to find a new hidden place to stay, but the hazmat blocks you at the exit to the support cave.

"Why." You demand
"We need war, not peace. Only one species can survive" they said, pulling out a scythe, sponge struggles out of your arms and hides behind you trembling. With locked eyes with the human, "I am not above" you growled "infecting you". With that, they charged at you, attempting to grab the scythe before it could to anything, you shot out your hand. It has no affect. It hit the left side of your torse, letting out a yelp of pain, gray ooze seeps out of the wound, still recovering from that blow, the human did a /e punch and your glasses flew off your face to by sponges little feet, sponge jumped infront of you, snarling and ready to bite the ankles.

The nasty little human kicked her to the side, but not before she inflicted a nasty bite to the calf.
"Sponge, get somewhere safe" you grumble, charging at the human, you manage to grab them, starting the infecting process, they slipped away and knock you down with a fierce blow. Sponge grabbed the glasses and ran. "The party stopped, and so does your life now"
"..that's the last thing I get to hear, wow"
"Fine. You've been demoted to death, life warranty expired, you kicked the bucket, sleeping with the fishies-"
"None of those are better.."you wince in pain

You kick the human and quickly get up, the wound starts to heal. They swing the scythe towards you but you duck, it hits a shelf and shatters, one of the broken shards hits your tail and you involuntary whine.
"Aww, the little puppy hurt" they mock.
You lunge at them, giving them a very noticeable scratch near their eye.
"I'm sorry, but going for the eyes won't do much"
"And why is that, you personification of a moldy bread loaf"
The human seemed to remember what they came here to do and pushed one of those yellow tall light things on you, you are now pinned down.
"Heheh, I won't even need a scythe" they said, pulling out a bat(baguette skin) "so, you bready to rye?"

"Puns?! That's even worse"

Pain sears in your head, you shrieked for help, but it's no use, was anything you did any use now?

The pain subsided and a harsh echos ring jumped between your bloodied ears before it faded away.

Yadayada anyway more then 1000 words, longest I've ever written.. BUT NOT LONGER THAN MY BIG FAT JUICY

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