Lemon Shork

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It's been awhile since the incident happened, the humanity is used to the condition of the laboratory. New things to be usually left untouched. 2/3 of the population still human, but 1/3 green gootraxians known as Plantix. Peace had been attained between the two humanoids. The curious determination of humanity to stay human with the docile caretakers of plants and others. No one bothered to keep track of the amount of pups.

The only problem being the storage hallway. Pipes burst and flooding crept into the room. Empty vast water sunk the floor way beyond expectations. No one trusts the floor enough to swim.

Finn slid some change over to the cafeteria staff and received a taco in return. "Can I get a lemon slice?" A staff member nodded, not bothering to charge the usual 0.5c per extra condiment. If you could even call a lemon slice a condiment. He took his meal and left the cafeteria towards the support cave. On his way, a ghost slimepup burst threw the doors followed by a small group of other slime pups.

It scampered over and separated from the group. The pup's mask didn't have eye holes but he could see it was hungrily looking at the taco. A small whining sound came from the pup. "Sigh, fine." Finn murmured and dropped some lettuce on the ground. It glared at the lettuce and pounced on Finns foot, who didn't seem to mind. "Don't like lettuce? Can't say I blame you."

Another pup, a lime one darted towards the fallen food and quickly ate it up. "You guys must be hungry..." The rest of them gathered around him. A Plantix in the corner loudly rustled to get Finns attention before pointing at a 'No feeding the slimepups!'"

"Ah, sorry." He apologized. "But look at those little faces! They're just cutie patooties, how can I not feed them?"

The Plantix pointed at the sign again. This time with a stomp and little wing flutter.

"Okay okay..." He walked away towards the automatic doors that lead to the connecting room between the lobby and the support cave. As soon at it creaked open he tossed the taco towards the pups and ran through the door. Looking back he could see the slime pups munching on bits of shattered taco, and a facepalming plantix.

"Finn!" A voice called.

"Wh- huh?" He turned back away from the door, face to face with a janitor carrying a box.

"Quit standing in the doorway. These supplies ain't exactly light."

"Sorry, do you need any help?"

"No. Just get outta the way."

Finn quickly moved away and the Janitor continued on their way. He walked down the halls towards the flooded storage hall, curious to see how much worse it got since yesterday. "If it gets much worse," Finn thought, as he entered the room. Eyes travelled to the big blue puddle. "Well dang. It's much wors-"

His thought were cut short by a quick bark.
A purple pup frantically barked at the water, dismayed by something. Another pup, this one pink, was set adrift on a stray crate floating towards the other side of the hall. So not the end of the world, barely even a problem. But not to the pups. They woofed and wailed, begging for someone to help. Finn stepped into a water, an action he immediately regretted. Water poured into his shoes, making his socks wet. Water splashed around as he walked towards the pup. As soon as he was close enough, the pink pup jumped into his arms. Finn fell over from the sudden shift in gravity.

The pup abandoned ship and swam over to the dry flooring, leaving Finn struggling in the water. "What?! The water is knee deep why can't I find the surface?!" The lemon from before dropped out of his pocket in the commotion and got sent to the depths below. Pushed down by flailing arms and legs. "Well sh*t. I knew I should have taken swimming lessons."

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