Return of the shadows

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This chapt does have blood and some gore btw

The human hid in the shadows of the blackout. Steadily watching for the red glowing telltale of a stealthy hunter. They step out of the water, gasping as someone brushed their foot.
A slimepup looked at they human
cyan eyes begging for pets. They patted the pup gently before giving it a small ear scratch and continued walking, they took in the stillness of the area, the once had filled air now stuffed with silence. Feet scuffed the floor and they froze. The echo of feet stopped within seconds. Something else was there. They heard storys of the bloodthirsty panthers that once roamed the place, claws like katanas and eyes like soon to be spilled blood. When interacting it one, that blood would be yours.

They jumped at every footstep that wasn't theirs. Dark eerie shadows reached out at every corner, a small walk seemed like a everlasting eternity. Fearing any misplaced footstep could be the end of a life, they pulled out a feared weapon: the scythe. No goos left could counter this instrument of genocide. These were expensive and only the rich could afford them. Only the rich and those buying from thieving slimes.

They felt their foot touch air, no more solid ground or support, just a empty ness one might feel after a plot twist. Dancing to regain footing and finally reaching the bottom of the stairs, they saw something out of the corner of their eye. A stunning yellow gaze, so sharp they felt it going right threw them.
They didn't have time to react the as the tight grip on the scythe vanished like the avatar when the world needed him the most. Air fled from their lungs as the gap between their back and the wall disintegrated.

A dark furred feline stood tall, claws reflecting the red eyes. A paw closed around their throat as they gasped for air. They felt the cold claws against their skin, threatening to glide into the precious flesh. In panic they kicked and flailed, foot making contact with a tail. The panther dropped the human with a anguished hiss. By the time the panthers ears could flatten and teeth could bare, the human was already gone. They could see through the window, humans were so close.. yet to far. A claw swiped at the human who ducked, but not fast enough, the panther pulled back a mighty claw and a human who cried out in pain. That was revenge for the tail wasn't it, a tail being stomped on wouldn't feel nice. Neither would hair almost being ripped from the scalp.

The human grabbed a light post while being dragged back and threw it back at the panther. They jumped away and looked at what happened, the stick of the post shot straight through the goos head. A sicking crunch and snap was all that was heard. And it echoes through the ears of another panther.

The human didn't even see the other cat on account of how shocked they were. They let out a shriek of pain as claws stabbed their side and left jaggedly. The human collapsed to the side. A smaller panther stared in horror at the former, blood seeping from the would, pooling around the cooling body.
The human watched the siluete of the feline crumpled down. Letting out a whimper before turning back, eyes redder than Larry the Tomato.

They watched in horror as the panther launched themself near the bleeding human. Clutching their side they could only apologize pathetically, hoping the panther could take mercy. Deep down they knew they would pay for the sins committed this dark night. The words went into the ear grieving panther and out the other. The panther slashed at the humans leg, exposing the bare bone  as they screamed, they knew the panther would not make it quick.
The panthers bloody paw harshly grabbed the crying humans neck, squeezing until the only sound escaping would permanently be raspy and short. The panther slammed the human into the ground and stomped on the now red bone, the human didn't even get a change to shout before the panther sat beside the human who was now obviously experiencing rapid blood loss, skin turning pale and a pool starting to form, the dark crimson identical to that of the dead panthers. The human looked up with pleading eyes. The panther looked at the human with distain.

The last thing they heard was the crack of some sort of bone. The awoke and looked around, they saw the panther and immediately jumped up. Things felt different, they exclaimed as they noticed the rough tail and fur. The looked down, fur matted with blood, their blood. The power stuttered back on, a group of humans entered and the other panther ran, leaving them alone.

They desperately pointed at the blood and at themselves. Trying to make the group see what happened.

"It's.. its fucking taunting us!"

"It can't live. Not after what it did"

The humans charged at the panther, nailed bats and knifes ready. They ran, and ran, and ran, slowly losing the pursuers. They stopped, hid and panted. Processing what just happened
"They.. attacked me, what do I even do now?"
A stomach rumbles and they knew what that meant
"Oh no, not the pups."
They decided to sleep it off, rest came easy this time.

A crunch was heard elsewhere, followed by a shake of the whole building, pieces fell onto the floor. Soon the floor groaned for grotesque grind and started succumbing to gravity, crumbing into the abyss below. They grabbed onto whatever they could and shouted for help, none came, instead it awakened the eyes. Those cruel unfortunate bloodthirsty eyes opened, consuming all in the void. Nothing was spared, not even the plot armour protected characters.

They awoke to that awful falling feeling yet they still heard the grotesque groan coming from their stomach, they knew what they had to do. The loving and trusting demeanour of the pup was to much for them to ruin, so they often for something else. An aggressive dragon attacked a young human with a plain bat, chasing the human around.
They pounced on the pink dragon who snarled in response, they used their claws to quickly end the Jell-O shot. Like a warm knife in butter, a dart though air, like an love through a heart ect ect. They found out how to eat soon enough. The only good thing was the tail, the rest could be thrown into spawn to disintegrate. This repeated with aggressive slimes, dangers to society and humans.

But the human did not show gratitude in the least. They started rumours of a wild panther to scare others, tales of a bloodthirsty killer picking off lonely souls. One blackout they had enough, they did SO MUCH for the humans AND THIS IS HOW THEY REPAY THEM?!! "I'll show you bloodthirsty killed, give a human a tale they'll never forget, or perhaps introduce panthers back into the food chain, the very same "pests" they eradicated."

They got into place, ready in the once gas room to give someone a scare bad enough to send shivers down the spines of the humans they once tried to protect. Aha, they spotted someone to be the messenger, a paranoid fool with a scythe.

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