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A dark(blood moon) pup sat on top a hill, alert of an incoming sound, metal groaned and opened. A small shiny pup squeezed past and small gap and ran, the sound of angry shouts and heavy feet, the smell of old battered bats and pipes of iron broke into your nose. Ears shot down into your head, you hadn't ever witnessed such devotion to chase a pup. It ran as fast as it's little stubby legs could but a brick had other ideas. By the time it got up it was to late, swarmed by humans and the occasional protecter, and traitorous pup biting at it's weary tail. Scrambling and scampering didn't help the poor thing, neither did the yips and whimpers. The humans knew what they wanted, so with swings and stomps, the little slime was demoted to death, leaving behind a.. box? You had been frozen, watching the sight, humans fought over that box until one took it and ran, while few remaining rare protecters sat battered and bruised. They had failed to protect an innocent life from the wrath of wealth and greed. The distant cry's and cheers echoed throughout the cave, a taunt to the goos. Being the little pup you are, you curled up and took a nap, trying to forget the blood(or goop)shed you witnessed.

Sleep hastily left, leaving behind a hunger. After sniffing the air for any danger you tumble down the hill and scamper along, nearly stunned as the little paw pads make contact with the harsh coldness of the eerie metallic floor. Not wasting time- well, asides from sniffing some shelves, you arrive at the doors to the cafeteria, waiting for them to open and sit, then sit some more, boredom seeps in, as the doors refuse to open. Time seems to slow down as a menacing growl from a panther wakes you from the wait. It dashes towards you, triggering both the door, and a fight or flight. You sped into the hall before stopping to look at the pursuer, and let out a (what you think is) ferocious growl, baring some tiny teeth and slowing a tail. The panther does the same, raising fur to make it look bigger, you would do the same but like, literal slime. Prowling closer it's eyes start to grow red, taking a shot, you risk you life to bite some ankles. Of course it did nothing and suddenly your flying across the hall, a chchchchch vrrrrrrr starts up and a human wielding a chainsaw crashes out of the cafeteria locking eyes with the panther, who then runs out while followed by the human. No one else is in the cafeteria, so you find a floor taco. The ground beef and cheese is welcomed, the lettuce? Not so much.
You see a pair of humans walk into the cafeteria, one pulls out a comically large spoon but the other blocks the hostile bacon. The blocker recommends a good idea "it's just a pup, let it be"

But the spoon wielder responds "not just a pup, credits!" it swung at you and your face stings, so you take the spoon and run to the door, they open but you can't get past. Desperately you keep raming at the open space, you finally get through, albeit with a severely dented spoon. It takes up energy and so you just drop it hidden in a crystal. A  anguished cry from a dying kaiju rings out across the cave, so you go to investigate, a pup and a human are there, the human holding a very yummy looking crystal and holds it out to a wagging lime pup. Thinking fast, you race in and steal the crystal
"Hey! I worked hard for that!"
You stop and look the human in the eye, and ate it. And ran. And glowed. At the shark pool by this time, the water glimmers differently, a dark array of rainbow shines from you. A human shouts "A rainbow!" and pulls out a banjo, you swiftly doggy paddle to a place the human can't get to, it tries to lure you out with music.. and you exit. Bad choice, lucky for you, the stealing option exist. So now you have a banjo. You suddenly get the urge to.. dance, so dance do you, music starts playing, not from the banjo, but from you! As your emoting and taunting the human, a random ahh lesser slime dragon comes along, and charges at its new snack, freeing you from the safe prison.

You stop dancing and rest, reflecting on how in this place of targeting and camping, you survived this long. It would be much safer with some protectors wouldn't it? So off your trot out of the pool to look for gang who'll start online arguments for you.

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