Adventure's of a slime pup

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It woke up by a crystal, cyan fur ruffled up. The pup looked around and tried to find a human with food. Only two hours of life had sat by this unprepared pup. An old scent flew through the air. The pups nose started to sniff as it followed the smell. It stopped at an old door, grey and huge. There had to be a way around, right? The smell smelt strongest by the wall. Slime pups little paws skirted around the boxed and found a way, a loose vent. It's cyan body squeezed right through.

Success, the wall had been permeated.
It tumbled around the room confused. No food here, but the smell was getting stronger? Not from the shelf, desk, or couch, but from the door. They slid open as a human equipped with a baguette bat entered the room.

He stared at the pup, the pup stared back. It walked up to the man and carefully sniffed the bat. If it wasn't food, why smell like food? The pup was confused. The human was baffled by this strange behaviour. A simple monch on the bat was all it was took. A sudden pain rung among the pup.

It yelped in shock.

"Stupid pup." The human grumbled, getting ready for another swing. The pup turned tail and ran, it leapt through the vent and dashed away through the cove. Little paws scampered through the dirt, it kicked up dust as it ran. The door behind opened up as the human pushed through, his footsteps heavy.

A brick soared through the air. It hit the pup and sent it into the dirt. The human quickly closed the close gap as the stunned pup sat. It hid behind a crystal and avoided the human as it kept on the opposite side.

"Okay that's worse than crystal camping. PUP AT KAIJU COVE!! HUMAN ARMY ASSEMBLE-" The call to action was cut off as the human suddenly felt the paws of a jammer.

The pup shook tiredly before circling three times and laying down. Sleep came easy to it now that the human was distracted. It gained most of its health back during the pit nap. When it woke up, it noticed how dark the surrounding cove became, only lit by small crystals. It looked around to take in the sights, unaware of any possible panthers.

Faint music split the air.

It pricked its ears and cautiously scampered over to the source. The jammer from before jamming out with a headset. While another jammer sadly watched. The sad one noticed the pup as it looked down at its paws.

"Slimepup!" The jammer's tail slightly wagged as it crouched down to pet the cyan goop. "I don't get why humans attack slimepups.."

"Money." The other jammer stopped vibing to respond. "Humanity is cursed with greed."

"Why money over an innocent life? It's so unfair!"

"I know, but that's how this world works. If you don't like that, go play adopt me or something."

"Play? This is life or death! You hit your head again?"

The other jammer just continued listing to music. The cyan pup sat down contempt with its pats. "Should we go to the library? We don't wanna be targeted by the 'blackout purge' groups once the lights come back."

The pup stared in confusion, it's tiny brain not able to comprehend much. The headset wearing jammer started to walk away, before he turned back and gestured for the other to follow. The pup felt itself being picked up with a warm embrace as it was allocated throughout different rooms.

It's eyes closed at some point. When they opened, the pup felt strange.. it was, ascending? It scrambled around in the jammers arm but the jammer held on tightly. "Do you want to fall of the ladder? Stay."

But it was too high. The ground far below. Way too far below. Way too far. Too far. Below. It couldn't help but let out a small whine as it screwed its eyes shut in fear. If it's not seen, it doesn't exist, right?

It waited like this for an unknown amount of time. It was so quick, yet lasted forever. When the pup opened it's cyan eyes, it was safe on the couch. Away from the prying grasps of acrophobia. The pup lifted its body off the couch and sniffed the air. Air smelling of warm fire and, other pups? It's scampered around the corner to see a massive hoard of slime pups of varying colours. Not just pups, dragons and hounds. In the distance someone advertised about a slime cult, deaf on human ears, ringing in gootraxians.

All about a peaceful place, a place they could call home.

Then the pup disconnected and never found that server again.

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