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A catte slept atop a shelf, her tail lightly swaying back and forth.

A barking slimepup's woof filled the room and she jumped up in surprise.
"Annoying slimepup.."
Sponge pawed at the shelf. The cattes eyes widened as she saw the item the pup was carrying. "What the- sponge?"

Sponge woofed and skittered away, paws sliding at every step. The catte jumped down from the shelf and ran after, trying to keep up with the panicked pup. "Slow down!"

The two ran across the whole map, slowing down in time for automatic doors to open. Sponge burst through the doors to the balcony, followed by the catte. Her eyes widened in horror and ears pressed down to the skull. Instead of what a jammer should be, a broken bloodied grey mass of flesh and bone lay instead. She stared at the disfigured face, and the face stared back with unblinking eyes.

The human turned to look and pointed the weapon at the catte with a wide grin. "He didn't stand a chance. What makes you think, that you, a common catte can." The human questioned, clearly happy with itself.

Vengeance isn't bad if it's revenge, does it really count as murder down here? Admist the pain and suffering caused by both groups. Even though some try to obtain peace, there will always be some who want war. So is it bad to give then what they want? They wanted a unfair victory, so give them a unfair defeat.

She didn't even know what happened but when the catte finally stop seeing red, it's still littered the scene. Blood splattered on the floor and fence, crawling among the metals. It lay gasping and wheezing leaning against the fence. It seemed impossible that it was still alive, with all the bloody holes in its fragile body. A wonderful creaking sound seeps into existence, the humans pupils went wide as both it, and the fence tumbled below. Doomed to an seemingly eternal fall, destined to see nothing but the void, doomed to only know more pain before the blanket of death. It fell without a sound, perhaps accepting, or perhaps in too much pain. Hopefully the latter.

Sponge napped under a shelf, all tuckered out from that running. The catte used her reddened paws to sooth down wild tufts of fur. Head spinning and thoughts squirming, she closed her heavy eyes and let the sweet sleep wash over the weary body.

Ending 1
It seemed futile to live, her only friend is gone, revenge exacted, it would be so easy to jump into the void, let it take you and end this stack of of fur and bones. But she kept going. After all, she had a new found responsibility, taking care of  Sponge, the small pup will not know fear again. This would be a sick backstory ngl.

Thus the catte picked up Sponge, and moved her paws in a direction until a safe spot is found.

Ending 2(there is jumping into the void in this ending so uhh)
She woke up, sponge was gone, no doubtably playing with some other slime pups. Bones aching and body protesting, she slowly walked over to the body. It's not even recognizable anymore, just a lumpy mass of grey remains. There is nothing left to do but break down and cry, so she does. Eyes blurry and curled up in a ball, she thought of what to do.

Move on a healthy way?❌this ain't Ending 1

She threw the body into the void. Now both the friend and it are gone, no denying that. This was the last straw. The void looked so cool and comforting, a nice nap from all the evils in the pitiful world. Paws collide with nothing but it doesn't matter, this will be such a nice rest. That illusion breaks away. A devastating bark fills the air. Sponge. It clicks in her head now, she had a purpose, to take care of sponge. Yet now it's gone. It's all gone, the light from above faded away and the wind roared in flickering ears, so so loud.

It's just so loud.

But the silence is louder.

please do not this irl/srs

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