Fedora or fed?

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The elevators to the building opened. A man walked out, wearing a name tag with 'William' and 'Assistant.'

He looked out into the room and took note of the general tidiness of it all despite being warned of improper funding. He just didn't expect it to be so... Lacklustre. Yet something stood out, or rather, someone.

"Henry? Is that you?"

"William! You work here?"

"Yep, actually it's my first day."

"I never would have expected you to be here."

"I'm surprised as you are! Honestly I didn't think I'd actually work here. I guess being an assistant is better than.. not having a job at all?"

"I guess? Speaking of jobs, we should probably go do ours."

They both walked towards the reception and were lead different ways. William followed a figure dawning a lab coat to a room. A simple computer and two sided mirror was all it took to fill the fairly small room of grey concrete. The figure pointed past the glass. "Those right there, are slimepups."

The assistant was perplexed. "What are they??" Never in his life would be have expected moving, slimey, dogs.



"Small dog like creature, practically invincible unless you break their mask. There are others to explain but first, get me a coffee."

"Really. You're too lazy to get your own."

They sighed and pulled out a map. "Cafeteria. Go. Now." The figure pointed to the open door. He left, wanting to keep his job. The air smelt like dust and sound echoed like a broken fan. Yet William ignored this. What was really hard to ignore was fact that living, sentient jellos exist here. A small sound rung through the stagnant air.

"Hee hee." Henry voiced out, it seems they just appeared out of nowhere.

"Why... I can feel my brain dying, just from that."

"I packed a fedora exactly for this reason! I found another one on a table, don't think whoever's it is will mind?"

"No- can't just steal hats wherever you go.

"Oh but I can~"

"That's not a very legal activity to do."

"Relax, does it even count as petty theft? I don't think so~"

William gave name a small shove. "I just need to get a cup of coffee back to my boss. Not fool around."

"Yeesh, when did you becoming boring and bland. What happened to the friend I use to know?"

"Went into hibernation after middle school."

"Yeah, if jobs you had were snowflakes, it would always be winter."

"I told you why I had too."

"And I didn't, and don't care."

William pushed past and continued to the cafeteria. He could see the row of tables in the next room over.

"I'm sorry. I just want it to be how it used to be."

"I do too, but I-..." William sighed and put on the fedora. "Hee heee."

"Apology accepted."

He didn't comment on this. "Let's talk later? I need to get back to work now."

"Alright, see you around!" Henry disappeared from sight. William immediately went to take off the hat, but it stayed on. "Ack- what the fiddlesticks!" The grey fabric refused to leave.

A feeling of dread washed over him. Was it getting tighter?! I assume you know what happens next.

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