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The whole place has descended into madness. Changed career paths as one might say. People trapped within a singular building surrounded by boredom and singular crystaline entertainment long extorted. They looked for new ways. People were getting bored, and some peoples sanity's weren't exactly, up to date. After all, you can only do so much trapped in a place no one knows exists.

Linen, the poorly nicknamed janitor sat at a table in the cafeteria, eating a stale taco shell. They picked at the burnt edges of the now stale shell. Devoid of any condiments or fillings. Footsteps approached the timid employee and they looked up to see the research department standing face to face.

"Heyy.. We're friends right?" One of them asked in a condescending manner.


"You should help us with a little project of ours! We could use a little of your expertise."

"What a load of bullsh*t. But what am I supposed to do, say no?"
"With what?"

"A little chemical crystaline compound we need a human to interact with of course."

"Erm." Linens face paled at the request.

"Oh come on! We all you know want tooo. We all slip at some point. Our mental state won't stop deteriorating so why not speed it up with the lack of.. caring."

"Okay.. actually-"

"The thing is, we don't care."

"NoO! I'm not being sacrificed to a rock! What kind of cult is this!" They protested.

"A good cult, the best. Just take one for the team buddy."

"Don't you remember how it use to be? All the sudden without a directer and we all just throw any reasoning into the void with the trash?"

"I.. remember. I also didn't ask."

Linen felt the sting of a tranquillizer. It all faded into a peaceful string of sleep among broken glass. When they woke up, groggy and confused, they were in sector two. Linen watched the glass partition between them and the others. Knowing they're bound to watch this unfold. The once pristine room had deteriorated into strewn papers and dented chair legs. A parallel to this place indeed.

"Is this really the best course of action? I'm the last janitor here, and that's a pretty important job!"
"No sense in trying to appeal to their emotions, those were long lost ago. Logic is soon to follow. Sucks that my life is literally-"

"Not anymore bozo, you're fired."

A gloved hand opened the door and chucked a strange red rock at the no longer janitor.

Small snippets of laugher could be heard from the other side as the rock made impact. Nothing happened. Am I lucky?

It started. They felt their flesh melt off their bones to be replaced by a synthetic goo like substance, each cell screaming with agony. It burned to see, it burned to hear, it burned to breath.

Death would be better this this nightmare. Linens peers shouted things like,

"Deez nuts!"
"Skill issue, get good you absolute bozo!"

Dust forms around them, crystals spike out of fellow with no regard to the pain it causes, each cell in their body distorted without remorse. It all went still. The laughter faded into the distant background. Everything became clear.

The substances the researchers created weren't the problem, they were! Linen could think. No, linen was a name for a material. Why have the material when you can have the finished product? Carnage. Carnelinen. Carneline? No that doesn't sound quite right. They would cause manic. So manic they shall be.

They chuckled. "What's wrong, did I cause a panic." Manic asked, tone lathered with false genuineness. This whole time they had the wrong perspective, trying to fight the inevitable. Let's help the others have a change of mind. Make them see. "Perhaps this is too.. wrong? No."

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