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Dean went out this morning to get a test for me, and to work out and I wanted to take a shower.

Waited about an hour before getting into the shower. After I got done I brush through my hair, "I need a trim," I say to myself while looking at my ends. My hair is mid-back length but I think I want to go shorter.

Dean walks into the bathroom and sits the bag of tests on the counter before kissing the side of my head, "Hey sexy," he greets joyfully. Smiling at him I respond, "hi."

He kisses my lips and pulls away slowly, "sorry I'm sweaty."

Taking the 2 boxes of pregnancy tests out I sigh, but then I come up with an idea, "baby I have an idea," I say turning around.

I think he knows what I'm about to say because he responds, "no!" Looking at him I beg, "please. You know if I am it's your child. Wouldn't this be a fun memory to tell jellybean and the future baby... if there is one."

He laughs and pulls me into him, "I'll do a lot of things for you, taking a pregnancy test isn't one."

"Don't be a pussy," I kiss his chest and quickly regret it.

"I eat your pussy, I'm not a pussy," he responds laughing.

"You are what you eat," turning around I open one of the boxes.

"Fine," he says through a sigh.

Jumping up in excitement I hand him one of the tests, thank god he bought styrofoam cups. We each take a test out of one box.

He does his first and then I do mine.

We flip them over and wait a few minutes, "I don't know why I'm nervous," he laughs.

"You have a baby inside of there," I giggle turning around and patting his stomach.

He pulls me into him again and says, "if you're pregnant you're not going to be doing any business with me. I won't risk your life and the well-being of our child. I love you and I love whatever creation I have with you now or in the future."

Looking up at him I don't think he realized what he just said. He said he loves me.

He really fucking loves me.

Smiling at him I turn back around, "should we check the test," I ask. He flips his test aggressively and it came back negative of course. Slowly flipping mine it comes back...


Turning around I see Dean walking out of the bathroom.

Was he disappointed I'm not pregnant?

Following behind him I call out for him. It took me until we got into the living room for him to answer, "what!? I fucking tell you I love you and you smile at me. A fucking smile is all I get? I've done so much for you. So much! If you don't love me just say that. I provide for you, protect you, I let you build a fucking relationship with my daughter."

Looking at him confused I cry a little, "and I'm grateful for that. You told me we were just fuck buddies, you said after all of this blows over with my dad I can go back to my somewhat normal life."

"This isn't going to blow over with your dad until he's dead, but you don't want that? You don't see the kind of person your dad really is huh? You don't know what type of shit your dad does to women because he didn't do it to you," he screams. I can see him crying and I feel bad for not telling him how I feel.

Staying silent he continues, "DO YOU?"

Shaking my head I respond, "no. My dad isn't a bad person he just needs therapy."

"No baby girl he needs more than therapy. Your dad paid your ex-husband to rape you. That's the kind of shit your dad is into, raping women. I bought your dad's company to try to gain his trust to release all of the women he's hurt. You baby are one of them, maybe not sexually but in other ways. I want him dead, and I'm sorry. You can leave, but your dad is a dead fucking man," after he's done he walks out of the house slamming the door.

Walking over to the couch I cry my eyes out. My dad told me he was in a gang- the leader.

That's why my mom was trying to protect me from him because she found out what type of business he was in. Loads of memories come back with my cry session.

When I was 18 I moved out because my dad would look at me in creepy ways, but his friends would do that when I was younger. I used to put my dresser in front of my door just in case one tried to come in.

I told my dad about this and he said it's because of the way I dress, so I dressed in joggers and a huge shirt.

They still looked at me in weird ways.

I stop seeing them after they left and my dad apologized for it, so I forgot about it.

Maybe killing my dad will protect women from going through the business my dad runs.

I didn't notice I went to sleep on the couch until I woke up to kisses being planted on my lips.

Opening my eyes I see Dean sitting up I wrap my arms around him, "I love you, Dean. I love you so fucking much and I'm sorry."

He gives me another kiss on my lips and I smile, "I got you something," he says reaching behind him and grabbing a card.

"Will you go on a date with me," he asks kissing my cheek. The smile stays permanent on my face and I nod my head, "yes I will!"

He stands up and holds his hand out, "let's go to bed and hope for a better day tomorrow. We have a lot of talking to do."

Standing up I walk into the room with him. He lays me down and kisses me, "I'm going to shower first, and then I'll come to lay with you."

Once I feel him cuddling me I allow my body to go to sleep in the arms I feel the safest in.



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