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Parisa gave me a house key because I'm over here more than I'm over in my place.

Parisa lit up my world without even knowing it.

I was in a dark place, dealing with legal issues and family stuff.

The night we fucked at McDonald's was a start to something I didn't think was going to go anywhere.

That woman stole my heart and I'm trying to get hers.

She deals with these breakdowns at random moments. She won't tell me what causes them and I'm not going to force her to, I want her to know she can trust me with whatever is going on.

Forcing her to do anything isn't going to gain her trust.

She has good days and bad days and I'm here for both.

Walking into the home I expected to hear nothing because the house is usually so quiet, but I hear Parisa yelling at someone.

I walk up to the room and stand next to the entrance of the door.

After Parisa is done yelling at someone, that someone is Milo, yelling toward her. I heard her say Dean and she told me about that Dean guy earlier today.

After it went silent I walked into the room seeing Milo, "Parisa? Milo?"

He looks at Parisa and then walks out the room saying, "she's all fucking yours."

Looking back at him I yell, "damn right she is and if I catch you yelling at my girl like that again there's going to be a big problem."

He turns around looking furious.

Feeling arms being wrapped around my stomach along with a head being pressed in the middle of my back I smirk, "she is all mine and is going to be for a long ass time."

"You should count yourself as lucky I don't just kill you now. Wait to she tells you who I am," he turns back around and I heard the door slam moments later.

Turning my body around I push Parisa off of me, "what the hell is your problem?" After everything Milo said I assume that they had something going on and didn't tell me about it.

Why else would he say 'she's all yours.'

"Ouch, what's your problem," she rubs her shoulder and I start to feel bad.

I never meant to hurt her in that way and I don't want her to think I'd ever put my hands on her, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it that hard, but what's going on with you and Milo?"

Sitting the stuff I had in my hands down on one of the many dressers Parisa has in her room I walk over to the foot of the bed sitting down.

She turns around and starts taking her clothes off explaining to me the relationship she had with Milo, or should I say, Dean.

She goes to the designated dresser that has my clothes in it and takes out one of my shirts, putting it on.

She looks so damn good, but I have to focus.

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