Chapter 3

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"How is he?"

The way Helen looked at Amelia, such pity and sorrow in her eyes, made Amelia angry as they sat together. They hadn't had much time to talk before Amelia ran out to meet with Lowen.

Nodding, Amelia spun her wedding rings around her finger obsessively. "He was stabbed," she admitted sadly. "But he's good, seems like he's in good spirits. He was lucky, the shiv missed his vitals and I do get to see him now. You still have to keep my job from Max. I don't want him knowing anything."

With a toothy smile, Helen clapped her hands and have Amelia a supportive pat on the knee. "That's wonderful!"

"Yeah but I have even better news." Sitting forward, Amelia beamed at her aunt. "Lowen thinks she can get them bail and maybe even have the case dismissed!"

"Oh dear, that is amazing." Smiling, despite the dark thoughts of Max in her head, Helen was overjoyed for her niece. "When will you know?"

"Lowen is trying for bail on Monday, but she needs time to get all the evidence together to push for dismissal." Antsy and excited, Amelia popped up and grabbed two beers. "We can finally go on a damn honeymoon. It's not fair."

"I wish you would have come to me sooner."

"I'm sorry. I was just so upset and I didn't think you'd understand."

"Well, I don't, not completely, but I can still listen."


Chibs twirled the ends of his goatee as he and Clay spoke together. "Where are we on it?"

"Unser took the photos from the crime scene before Opie was even in cuffs." Clay grumbled annoyed that the Chief hadn't kept his word. "He told me after he'd keep em' and destroy em'."

"So what, he just keeps them until Opie is cleared and released?" Chibs shook his head. "You're not thinking its him, are you?"

Shaking his head, Clay's hands turned into tight fists. "Someone else, it narrows the pool though. Could have been Hale, the DA, anyone in that damn office."

"Hale." Chibs said, his fingers snapping a few times. "Not Captain America, Boss, it had to be Jacob."

Clay smiled, creepy and dark, and immediately pulled out his phone. "I can always count on you, Chibs."


When Amelia finally excused herself to change Helen sent a text to Max simply to appease him. Although he didn't say to she knew he wanted updates and she wasn't willing to walk into his rage Sunday.

"Amelia is doing well. No word on the club, she refuses to talk about it."

"Try harder." He instructed.

Helen didn't respond, she buried her phone in the couch cushion and tried to erase the frazzled look from her face.


The next morning...

"We're down to four." Tig said as he, Jax, Opie and Bobby huddled together in the yard. "We gotta last the weekend."

"At least." Bobby added with a look. "Lowen gets a bail hearing doesn't mean it'll be Monday."

"Winston," the guard shouted by the entrance. "You got a visitor!"

The others looked at Ope and nodded as he made his way out carefully. Four sets of eyes watched the surrounding prisoners to watch for quick or suspect movements.

"And now it's three." Jax said, leaning back against the chain link.


"They'll be out by the latest Tuesday morning. There's no way a judge will risk a lawsuit and not at least let them out until trial. If there even is a trail." Hale was growing more and more uncomfortable with Max's obsession.

"If? What do you mean if?"

Hale rolled his eyes as his spoon clinked against the mug as he stirred his coffee. "That was the bulk of the case, they were faked and the DA waited until she was forced to provide the photos to the defense. That looks very bad."

Max paced the hall of his home. "Well then, I'll just have to come to Charming myself then."


My mistake everyone, I should have specified this earlier! For anyone who isn't also reading I've Got This Friend, the photos that ended up getting the boys arrested were taken by a stalker who was harassing Opie's new lady. They were found at a crime scene that I won't elaborate on as to not spoil if you ever head over to read that story! All these stories are tied together but it's not necessary to read them if you're not interested, I just forgot to share that with you all! Xoxo

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