Chapter 12

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Notifications were wonky the other day so if you didn't see it, I updated this story on Thursday! Go back and read 11 first if you haven't! xoxo


The guys spent the night collaborating after Juice managed to pull Amelia's patient list but as the sun rose, Tig and Chibs tore down the Pacific Coast Highway with cops racing to catch up.

"You sure you know what you're doing?" Tig asked as the smoke cleared from their sudden stop and skidding.

Chibs rolled his eyes as he slowly raised his hands and put them on his head. "No, but it's our only way in."

"Shit, this is gonna be bad." Tig said regretfully as the cops roughly cuffed them and threw them into separate squad cars.

They wouldn't be immediately tossed into county. First they'd be processed, questioned and then, hours later, they'd be shuffled into jail.

Once they got the call that Tig and Chibs had in fact been arrested and the ungodly sum of money was spent to ensure their safety, Juice went back up to visit Amelia.

It was already late, over twenty four hours from when he left her, and for the first time Juice didn't actually want to go see his wife. He was stressed and he knew she'd be a wreck, that was always when they bickered and he didn't think he could handle that. When he strolled down the hall to see Raylan, exhausted and bored, sitting outside Helen's room, Juice was unreasonably angry.

"Who are you?"

Raylan peeked up over his hat and smiled smugly as he stood to greet him. "Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, it's nice to meet you, Juice."

"The escort." He said disparagingly. "Good to know your face."

"I've known yours," Raylan said as he sat again. "Your wife is sleeping."

Juice wasn't able to pinpoint exactly what it was about the way he spoke but there was a mocking tone and something much darker in his eyes. Without so much as a response, Juice stepped into Helen's room to see Amelia sleeping on a tiny cot they'd provided for her. Max was nowhere to be found.

Exhausted and unwilling to wake her, Juice plopped down in the visitor's chair. He said a quick prayer, one his mother used to recite, before relaxing back and closing his eyes.


"Alright," Jax sighed heavily. "Tig and Chibs are in County, they'll go through the list and hopefully we'll have a shot caller by the time Lowen gets them out. If not, the whole fucking plan was pointless."

So much had been planned the night before and not everyone had been around for it. There was no vote, Chibs would have gone in either way, he was adamant about ending it before anyone, his daughter especially, got hurt.

"How do we even know it's prison related?" Rat asked, although he was still just a prospect.

Bobby nodded, having missed a lot of the discussion. "It's a risky bet, boys."

"DOC keeps there personnel lists tight. Easiest way is someone inside funneling information." This was all what Juice had told Jax the night before; he was simply reiterating the information. "That way they'd know who she was working with and on which shift, which explains the letter to the other nurse. There's too many coincidences, it's gotta be related."

"No one knew anything?" Happy grumbled more miserable than usual. "You asked around?"

"I was out all night with Kozik," Opie said clearly exhausted. "No one knows anything."

"Where's Clay on all this?" Bobby asked since Clay was noticeably absent.

Jax shrugged. "He's pissed, went home, I think he's thinking about calling a lockdown. Fuckers need to come at us, not the women, it's pussy bullshit."


"After this, I'm done." Jacob said gruffly as he and Max had yet another secret phone call. "I understand wanting to get rid of the Sons of Anarchy but Max, this is going to get someone hurt."

"You wouldn't understand," he paced the bathroom. "Those assholes ended up getting my wife killed, my first wife, she was pregnant and now they're usurping Amelia and even Helen, I won't let that happen."

Jacob listened to the story and closed his eyes, it all made much more sense now. "Fine but you have to be sure you're clean of this, if someone links you it'll come right back to me."

"No it won't, we'll both get what we want."


"How's that wrist healing?" Chibs growled as he held one of their targets against the wall, his forearm against his neck, while Tig kept look out.

"Fine," the man coughed out. "I got no beef with SAMCRO."

"But you know we're SAMCRO?" Tig asked from a few feet away.

He nodded, struggling against Chibs every so often. "Everyone knows your crew."

"Then you know we're not playing around. What have you heard about the nurse, the redhead, you saw her in the infirmary." With a grunt, Chibs grabbed the man's still healing wrist and slammed it against the wall. "Maybe you'll see her again?"

"I don't know shit!" He howled through the pain. "She's one of yours, that's all I know."

Tig and Chibs glanced at one another, unsure how he'd know that, but they didn't speak. "Who told you that?"

"Rumors," he said breathlessly.

"You hear any other rumors about her?"

"Nah," he looked around the room as best he could from his position, "But I heard CL talking shit. One said he was working on getting out and the new spunk mistress was his ticket."

Chibs growled at the term, one he'd used during his days locked up, but not one he wanted plastered on his daughter. "Call her that again and I'll cut your balls of, aye?"

"Not me, man. That was Calaveras, that was what that dick said, not me."

The guard they'd paid off tapped his nightstick on the wall from outside the room and Chibs let the man go. "You find out which and let me know."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll ask around but I don't need a shiv for my fucking trouble."

Tig laughed and looked back. "Shiv is the least of your worries if you don't get us that name."

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