Chapter 10

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Amelia raced down the hall toward Helen's room not bothering to wait for Juice in her haste. The call she received was short and lacked details and so she was distraught and terrified as she greeted her uncle. Max was a mess, clearly upset, more than she was, as he hugged Amelia.

"What happened?"

Seeing Juice coming up the hall Max went rigid. "No. I want him out of here."

"Please," she pleaded. "Can we make this about Aunt Helen and not Juice or the club?"

"It's his fault!" Max barked, stopping Juice cold in the middle of the hall, as he began moving toward Juice threateningly. "Whoever the hell did this to her did it because of you."

"Whoa, Max." Juice backed up unwilling to get into a fight and end up, undoubtedly, arrested and back in jail.

"Max," Amelia grabbed his should but Max shoved her away and took a swing at Juice. "Hey!"

Fighting his instincts, Juice dodged the punch and spun around behind Max, twisting his arm and subduing him easily. "Now now, Max, let's keep this civil." Juice growled "And if you touch her again, I'll cut your fucking hands off."

"Guys." Signaling to the gathering crowd at the end of the otherwise deserted hall. "Let's not, yeah?"

Juice nodded, his chest puffed out with pride, and slowly released Max. "You alright?" He asked, petting her cheek, as they made their way into Helen's room.

Before she could answer, Amelia gasped and covered her face, as she got a look at the damage Helen had endured. "Shit. What the hell happened?" Turning to Max for answers Amelia could hardly stand. Juice kept her steady as he looked over Helen. Her face was badly beaten, bruised and swollen, and a thick bandage was wrapped snuggly around her head. Max had done it, every mark and gash was a gift from him, a calculated and purposeful gift.

"I went out for drinks and when I came home I found her." His voice cracked, just a little, but it was enough to convince Amelia that he was too feeling it. "There was this note next to her."

Reluctantly, Amelia took the bloody crumbled paper and skimmed the words. "We're coming closer." She mumbled, handing the note to Juice. "That's what it says, we're coming closer."

"It's your fault, you and your damn club." Max snapped, his index finger stabbing Juice's chest with each word.

"Hands off," Juice ordered. "Cops know about this?"

"No." He said quietly.

"I'll take it to the club, we'll figure it out. Max, I'm sorry. I really am."

Shaking his head Max turned his back on Juice and settled himself in the chair beside Helen's bed. Amelia, lips pursed tight, pulled Juice into the hall. "You need to go and figure this shit out, JC. It's gotta be tied into whoever is hassling me at work. If this is SAMCRO, and I think we know it is, you have to fucking end it before my family gets hurt again."

There were so many things wrong with that wording, according to Juice at least, but he could see how torn apart Amelia was. "Yeah, yeah, I'll go now. Meels, baby, I'm sorry."

"Fix it, Juice."

Turning on her heel Amelia charged back into the room and left Juice. She felt the weight of Helen's injuries. "Uncle Max I'm sorry." She cried.

"Meels," Max stood and hugged his niece again. "I'm worried about you, sweetie. Look what they've done to Helen; you're so close to them, I can only see this ending bloody for you."

"I'll be fine." She said, barely believing the words herself, and stepped away from him.

"Don't you see? This is what I was scared of; they can't protect everyone all the time. Juice may not hurt you, but he will get you hurt."

"Yeah but I chose it." She said regretfully. "Aunt Helen didn't. That's where the issue lies. They'll find them, it won't happen again."

"I want you with us until it's over."

"I can't. I have work and I have an escort there actually. I'll be safe."

Max nodded, happy to hear the DOC has taken the threats seriously, and they both took a spot beside Helen. "I'll be sure of that, Amelia."

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