Chapter 2

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Shortie! xoxo


"I'm going for the weekend." Helen said as she began packing her overnight bag. The arrest was kept a secret for weeks but Amelia was breaking down and she needed her aunt there. While the club was looking in every other direction for the culprit, Helen couldn't help her creeping suspicions.

Max nodded, his jaw tense as he watched her and picked apart every look and movement. "I'll come with you."

"No," she snapped.

Now he more than simply paranoid suspicions. "Why? I want to make sure she's okay."

"She's not okay and the only thing you'll do is make it worse. You've been against him from the start, Max, she's embarrassed and hurting enough without you there."

Really putting on a show, Max forced his eyes to tear up. "I don't want her to replace us."

Helen rolled her eyes. "She's not. Stop being so childish."

"I don't trust those men." He stated as she moved toward the door.

Helen looked at him with such contempt before heading out. She'd never understand the hate, not fully, it was as if they had wronged him in some traumatic way but Helen knew they hadn't. It seemed he was just creepily obsessed with his niece.

“I’m starting not to trust you, Max.”

He didn’t like that. Max lunged at her and pinned her against the front door by her neck. "I'm the only one you can trust. Not that whore sister of yours or the fucking club, not even Amelia anymore."

"Let me go."

"I want you back here Sunday night, with a full report."

"Fine." Her eyes fell to the ground. "I'll be home Sunday."


"I love you." Amelia whispered into Juice's ear. "Lowen is meeting us at the clubhouse today. She has news."

He looked excited but Amelia wasn't sure if that the news or her presence. "Good. She'll probably be by here tomorrow to talk to us."

"I'm gonna miss you over the weekend. I wish I could visit."

"Baby you can't." He said adamantly. "You'll lose your job, get in some deep shit too. Please, Meels, don't."

"I know." She pouted. “You’ll probably be put back in gen pop Tuesday. Are you going to be safe there?”

“I’ll be fine. Please, don’t worry about me.”

“Too late.”


After settling Helen in at her and Juice’s, Amelia went to meet the other old ladies and the club members that were left. She couldn’t help but obsess over what Lowen was going to tell them and the pit in her stomach proved she didn't have much hope.

"Hey." She sat beside Tara, rather than Chibs, hoping to build up their budding friendship. 

Tara rolled her eyes and smiled. "Hey. How's work?"

"It's okay, I guess. It stinks and the guys are gross but it's money and I get to see him."


"No, sorry. Honestly, you don't want him to see me."

"Probably not."

Lowen's clicking heels announced her arrival and everyone quickly ended their conversations. She was glowing, her toothy smile lifting all of their spirits as she pulled a few folders from her briefcase. 

"I'm skipping pleasantries, I want to make it to county before the end of the day. I finally got the pictures from DA, the majority are fake and that's why she was sitting on them. The guy who took them, he didn't get nearly enough to really scare his intended targets, so he patched a few different ones together."

The women all exhaled simultaneously, Tara and Amelia hugged, while Gemma waved her hand in front of her face while muttering something under her breath. 

"Fucking gash," Chibs was furious but delighted all at the same time. "So they're getting out, aye?"

"Soon, hopefully. The photos are fakes but they led her team in the right direction. The rest of the evidence should be on my desk by Wednesday but I'm pushing for a new bail hearing, we get it lowered and we get them home."

"Can't we get the case dismissed?" Clay spoke up from the back of the room. "If the initial evidence is bullshit, and since that bitch sat on it, we should get it all tossed."

Lowen smiled and nodded. "I'm getting there. I want to get my hands on everything before I move to dismiss. Now, I can wait and not push for another bail hearing but we all know that's risky, you know better than I would."

Before Clay could even speak, Gemma piped in and agreed with her. "Push for bail." She said despite Clay's cold eyes glaring at her for interrupting in a club matter. "Bring them home."

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