Chapter 8

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"Let me go!" Amelia squealed as she jumped out of bed and into the bathroom. "I have to go to work."

"Take off." Pining her against the wall, Juice nudged her nose with his before kissing her. "Call out. We have to plan our trip anyway."

She pulled a face, sucking in her lips as she avoided his gaze. "I can't. Work is kind of crazy. They found out we're married so I'm trying to kiss ass as a thank you to my boss. He's not saying anything, I owe him."

"You owe me," he spoke low with a little growl.

"JC," she slithered down and out from under his arm. "Stop, please. I feel bad but I have to go in."

Dropping his arms with an exaggerated huff Juice grumbled his way back to bed. "I'll tell ya, it's tough having a sugar mama."

"Oh yeah?" She hollered out from the shower. "I always thought you were my sugar daddy!"

They continued with their banter until she was hurrying out the door ten minutes earlier than usual. She hoped to keep her escort from having much contact with the club until she figured out how to deal with it all.

Amelia pulled out of her drive and stopped a few houses up. "Are you the escort?" She asked skeptically as she came up on a man, wearing fitted jeans, a black T-shirt with a plaid button up over top, leaning on his vehicle.

"That I am." He smiled politely, the dash of grey by his temples betrayed the secret the rest of him hid well. "Raylan Givens."

"Amelia Shawcross." Pointing ahead she nodded and gestures toward his car. "I don't want to be late."

As she waited for him to get back into his car, Raylan grinned and nodded, already knowing more than she would have liked about her personal life.


"So how longs this gonna take?" She asked, throwing her purse into her locker. "I really don't think this whole thing is necessary."

Raylan pursed his lips and nodded, he figured she'd say as much. "Just until we find out who's threatening you. You said Shawcross but your supervisor said Ortiz."

Visibly tensing, Amelia turned from her locker to the U.S Marshal. "It's still legally Shawcross." She said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"I was just checking," he raised his hands in surrender. "Let's try to make this run smoothly, I'll be your best friend for a while."

"Yeah," she adjusted her ID lanyard, "About that. How does this whole escort thing work?"

"I'm with you here, to and from work, and we place officers on your home overnight. Bet you didn't even notice they were there last night." His chest puffed out with pride as if he had something to do with the officers at her home and them not being noticed by her or Juice.

"I was busy last night, I didn't notice."

"I looked over your statement. I'm just wondering why you didn't think to contact the police after being held at gunpoint." As she exited the room she heard his boots clicking behind her. "Anything to do with the Sons of Anarchy? Maybe they promised to look into it?"

Stopping, she turned on her heel and glared at the Marshal. "I don't know what you're getting at but I don't know shit about the Sons more than their oil changes and the long nights of drinking at the clubhouse. And even if they were some criminal masterminds, which, trust me they are not, the Marshal Service is far from the ones to be investigating it."

Raylan smiled condescendingly and nodded, impressed with her fiery little reaction. "You know, despite what my daddy always told me, I've never been scared of a red headed woman until now."

"I did my research." She ignored his comment. "Marshals' purview is limited. Protecting federal employees and witnesses, asset forfeiture, prisoner transport and fugitives."

Smirking, Raylan leaned against the cinder block wall in the tiny hallway. "Oh, I like you."

"That makes one of us then." She sneered, forcing a harder exterior than necessary for paranoia's sake.

Stepping into the infirmary Amelia smiled at the lone patient lying quietly in the far end of the room. Raylan hung back, listening in closely but looking rather bored.

"Morning, ma'am."

"Military?" Amelia smiled and skimmed his chart. "Yep, you were. How are you feeling?"

"Sore. Think you can score me some pain killers?"

She frowned and sticking her hip out crossed her arms over her chest. "Really? I'm trying to be cool with you here. What's your pain on a scale from one to ten?"

"Two, I guess." He said knowing she's never buy a lie right then.

"I'll get you a Tylenol."

"Yeah, great, thanks. Guess if I'm not fucking you I don't get the special treatment."

Amelia froze and her eyes involuntarily shot to her Marshal escort. "Don't look at me, I don't need pills and we just met."

"I'll be right back." She scoffed and slipped out for the Tylenol.

Raylan glided over and leaned in the prisoner's face. "What's that about?"

"Nothing." He tried to move back but the bed and his cuffs kept him in place. "Just trying to rattle her, you know, or get my dick sucked. Lots of the nurses are little whores."

"Yeah." He said disappointed and disgusted that it was more of the usual harassment toward females than an actual lead.

Amelia slipped back in, looking at the two suspiciously, before helping the prisoner with the pills and water.

"I'll be back in a few hours." She said as she and her new shadow led the prisoner alone again.


"Juicy boy!"

There was a warm homecoming as Juice arrived at the clubhouse, bored and lonely at home, for some time with the guys.

"How are you feeling?" Clay asked as the initial greetings died down.

"I'm good, got some pain but I'm back, I'm in it."

"Good," he said sagely. "Glad to have you back."

A round of early morning shots concluded the excitement before most of the guys got to business. Chibs saddled beside Juice at the bar, Irish coffee in hand, and looked at him intently.

"Did you talk to her?"

"No. We we're kind of busy. Tonight, brother I swear."

"I'll be there." He said forcefully. "Just in case you two can't find the time in your busy schedule. This shite is important Juice."

"I know." He said sadly not willing to admit he just didn't want their reunion bubble to be burst by anything but especially not threats and violence. "We can talk to her tonight."


Hey! So I totally stole Amelia's escort from the show Justified. It's not a crossover, at all, but he's an excellent character and I wanted to use him since the situation arose. Hope you're all enjoying!! Xoxo

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