Chapter 29

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Just want to let you all know I'll be updating each story once a week from now on. Juice will be every Monday! Hope you don't mind the wait! Xoxo


It wasn't the first time they broke up or took a break, they didn't really get specific about whatever it was called, but Juice was still miserable. It had only been a fraction of the time they were apart before, a few weeks compared to months, but it seemed longer and much more arduous.

"Brother," Clay took the empty bar stool beside Juice, "You need to get out of your head. There's too much going on for you to be off your game."

"I'm good," Juice's eyes were dark and his expression was blank. "I'm here, I'm in it."

"You need to blow off some steam. Get your dick sucked, tie on a load and sleep this shit off."

If you didn't count the method Clay suggested, the advice itself to relax and get out of his own head was fatherly and sage.

"I don't know," he shrugged as he brought his beer bottle to his lips. "Doesn't feel right."

Clay nodded, not understanding the pain but just the fact that he was suffering, and gave him a firm pat on the back. "Just my advice, I know you said she was spending time with that Marshal, maybe it'll make you feel better to spend some time with your own distraction."


"You need to talk some sense into that girl," Chibs growled as he and Desiree fought yet again. "I understand," he said preemptively, "A lot of the shite you pulled, the secrets and shite was because of that fucking prick Max but you know she needs to be in Charming. That girl, she needs to see it ain't black and white. You know the life, Des, you know it ain't perfect but those two are sick without each other."

Chibs truly couldn't believe it had been so long since the split. Amelia was confused and reeling, of course, but he had hoped she would have come to her senses and wanted to heal at home with her family. Despite his hopes, she remained distant, suddenly relying on Raylan as her best friend, confidant and hero.

She nodded, unwilling to deny how right he was, and dabbed the corner of her eye with a hanky. "Filip, I can't force her. I know how she sees SAMCRO is stubborn but there's some truth."

"I know she's got issues with him," Chibs admitted in defeat. "He's a shite, not always thinking, I know that."

"I'll talk to her," Desiree agreed, "But I'm not forcing her or convincing her to do something she doesn't wanna."

Chibs nodded and picked himself up off the couch. "Why'd you run?" He asked quietly. "When you two were taken, how'd you just leave her?"

"I don't know. Fight or flight, I guess."

"Not an excuse," he huffed as he turned to face her again. "You're a terrible mother, Des, and you did the right thing giving her to Helen even with this Max shite. The least you could do for Amelia now is help her understand, she's happy with that fool but she's scared and confused."

"She's not exactly well rounded emotionally," Helen explained, "Which is my fault. She's easily manipulated, seeks approval from men, she's needy but it's because I never told her about you. Max used that and he molded her but Juice," she smiled a little, "She was so different, stronger, when she was with him but this last shit storm with Helen and Max just killed that confidence. Max wanted that, he did this shit to fuck with her mind. You're right, she does love him and right now she's just lost and that's partially my fault."

Chibs closed his eyes as Desiree described the emotional challenges Amelia faced. He hated knowing his absence contributed to her neuroses even if it wasn't his fault. "Don't let her ruin the healthiest relationship she'll ever have with a man. She's set on a dangerous path, one that looks like yours."

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