Chapter 7

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"You roll a shitty joint." Juice laughed as he and Chibs hung around in the living room. It was strange not to be at the clubhouse but after just having been released from the hospital that morning, and still hurting, he was going to take it easy. His luggage was still by the door, Amelia hadn't moved it since he was arrested, they were going on their honeymoon and to Amelia unpacking felt like giving in.

"I'm used to you or Ginger rolling them, I'm out of practice."

"Never knew what you were doing to begin with, old man."

Screwing his face up as he licked he paper and sealed the joint, Chibs shook his head. "Watch it, boy."

"She's gonna shit when she comes home." Juice said, laughing off Chibs' annoyance. "You sure she'll come right here? What did you text her?"

Burning off the end before taking a hit, Chibs held the smoke in and nodded. "She will," he said without exhaling. Slowly he blew the smoke above their heads. "I told her we had to talk, nothing life or death, but that I'd be waiting here."

"You ever talk to Des?"

"Aye, blames us for everything. Can't say she's wrong."

Juice took a hard hit and thought over his possible responses. "Well," he said holding his breath, "It is and it isn't."

"It was our threat that pushed Hale." Gratefully he took the joint back and took a drag.

"Hale is a piece of shit." Juice countered finally exhaling. "Yeah, we threatened him but who goes after women like that? She put that on you so she doesn't feel shitty about abandoning Meels again and taking off on you."

"When'd you get so fucking wise, huh? You were always the stupid shite."

"Yeah, maybe." Juice chuckled. "Or maybe you suckers just never listened to me."

"Ginger's been rubbing off on you, no other way. Dumb shite." Chibs put the joint in the ashtray and leaned over, throwing his arm around Juice's neck and kissed the top of his head. He chuckled giving him a light slap to the face before pushing him back.

"How's she doing anyway? With me gone? She came by last night and said some asshole was bothering her at work."

"I didn't know about that. At all." He sat back again, his expression pained and worried, and took the joint back. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Juice frowned deeply. "She wouldn't really tell me, but it was bad enough for her to stay with me last night."

"Shite. So you think it's more than what she's telling you?"

"I know her well enough to know it's a lot more."

That upset Chibs, deeply, he'd grown closer to Amelia and truly looked at her as a daughter. There was a love from the moment he knew she was his but it grew as their relationship blossomed. She was his child, more so than just by blood, and he was going to care for her. "We gotta look into it, we gotta keep her whole."

"I love her, brother. I'll take care of her."


"You didn't see his face?" The investigator asked as he sat taking diligent notes despite Amelia's words being recorded as she spoke. It made her sick to be in there with cops, sick with fear and uncertainty. She didn't know much about what to say and what not to and although her attacks had little to do with the club she was terrified she'd accidentally say too much.

"No," she said quietly, her eyes on the table. "I didn't. He was short though, had a gross raspy smoker's voice, that's all I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. Do you still have the note?"

She shook her head and forced a timid smile. "I kept it for a day and then burned it. I was freaking out. I didn't think to report it." She didn't think to report it because she didn't need the authorities, all she needed was Juice but now she felt she couldn't tell him.

"Alright," clearly annoyed by her lack of information the investigator pointed to the door. "Tomorrow morning, what time do you leave for work?"

"Oh, umm, usually around quarter to nine I guess."

"Your escort will be there waiting. Have a good evening, Miss Shawcross."


When she got out of the meeting and into her car, Amelia read the text and sped off toward her house. It didn't matter Chibs said everything was fine, she was too shaken not to be terrified.

"Chibs?" She bounded into the house, tossing her things by Juice's luggage, and skidded to a stop as she laid eyes on him in the living room. "What's up?"

"I have something for you, love."

He recognized her confused expression, it was one he wore on occasion, as he pointed to the opposite couch. Taking two tiny steps forward she leaned toward the left to see Juice stretched out on the sofa.

"Hey baby, you're home." He grinned, stoned and elated, and patted the empty spot beside him.

"Me?" She shouted. "I'm home? You asshole!" Amelia was on him in a flash, their lips connecting sending a spark through each of them as they kissed. "You're right where you're supposed to be."

"Aye, and I'm still here." Chibs knocked his rings on the coffee table nicking the deep stain on the wood. "Think we should talk, aye Juicy?"

Juice knew they had to, he knew whatever was weighing on his wife was dangerous but having her on him in their home was all that mattered.

"Tomorrow, brother." He said, standing and pulling her up with him. "We'll talk in the daylight."

Amelia grinned wickedly and skipped ahead of Juice. "Thanks, Da." She only used it when she felt overwhelmed emotionally, it was the one way she could show him her gratitude or love.

"Shite, go on then." He waved them off, rolling his eyes as his daughter giggled her way up the stairs, and locked the door behind him when he left.

"My husband," Amelia sighed. "My husband is home." There were a few snaps of thread as she hurried pulled her scrubs off. Still sore, Juice grimaced as she forcefully pushed him back onto the bed. "I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you, JC."

"Who the hell are you?" He asked, dumbfounded by her ravenous behavior, as he began undressing.

"Your wife." Still in her bra and panties Amelia slithered over him. Her body felt as if it were on fire as he ran his hands over her supple skin. Every touch nudged her on as they kissed and caressed each other and she absolutely loved it.

Frustrated after more than two months without her Juice reached for his hunting knife from his pants and sliced her bra straps. She squealed with delight and removed her panties tossing them across the room. This was never how they acted together, sexually or otherwise, but in that moment it felt right as they acted on primal impulses.

The excitement of seeing him and the passionate act was more than enough to push the threats and escorts from her mind. Amelia felt no fear as she rode him, their hands interlocked for support, she was overwhelmed by the pleasure building and the sudden reconnection with Juice.

They finished, exhausted and more than satisfied, and Amelia collapsed on top of him. "You're never going away again, Juice." She said, pinching the side of his thigh. "I fucking mean it."

"We're never leaving this fucking bed, you don't have to worry."

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