Chapter 32

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Juice wasn't lying when he said they were going immediately, their flight was for the next afternoon and he wasn't going to miss it. He scooped her up off the desk and carried her down the steps in a fireman's hold and they started on their way back to Charming. Amelia wanted desperately to take the ride on his bike, but she couldn't, she needed to take her car back. They arrived home and promptly crashed out, in their bed, cuddled together.


"Ginger?" Chibs was shocked to see to Amelia strolling into the clubhouse the next morning. "Love, what are you doing here?"

Her cheeks went red, embarrassed by his reaction and the surprised looks on the other member's faces, as she hugged her father tight. "I'm home, Da, Juice and I talked."

"Finally," he roared as he let her go. His palm slapped on the bar signaling his need for a celebratory shot of tequila. "I'm happy for you," he said with a sweet, sincere smile as Juice walked in carrying a box, both of you."

She backpedaled, "We still need work," she admitted. "I'm starting therapy when we get back and all but we're doing it, you know?"

"I know," he squeezed her arm. "You're doing the right thing."

"Brother," Juice's face was bright, "I need your help."

"I thought you were heading out?" He asked quietly as the two moved from the bar area to the apartment.

Amelia lingered, awkward, and looked around as the guys milled about, dodging work. She wanted to interject herself into the other old ladies' conversation but the two women she did know looked far too involved. Taking advantage, she stepped outside and made the quick call to her boss. She was relieved to hear he was not at his desk so she left a short voicemail and promised she would return his call, if he made one, in two weeks.


"What is this circus?" Raylan asked Tim as he walked into the office to see their bullpen filled with dark suits. Opening his mouth to speak, Tim quickly shut it as Raylan's phone rang in his hand. "One second," Raylan mumbled as he stepped away to take the call from Amelia. "Can't keep away, huh?"

"Very funny," she rolled her eyes hard even though he couldn't see it, "To answer your question though, no. I actually wanted to tell you, we can't talk anymore, in capacity."

"You went back to him," Raylan chuckled darkly, "Can't say I didn't see it coming."

She nodded, slowly moving toward the swings. "I'm sorry."

"No, you're not."

"Well, not sorry about Juice but sorry if you're upset or anything. I just wanted to tell you since we left it on such an... open note the other day."

He nodded and sighed heavily into the phone. "Well, good luck Amelia Ortiz. If you ever need a platonic drinking partner, give me a call."

"Will do, Marshal."


True to his usual romantic and sometimes cheesy self, Juice carried Amelia over the threshold as the cabana attendant brought their luggage into the villa. The room was open, sheer curtains blowing gently in the breeze, and right passed the bed was a long path that led directly into the ocean.

"JC," Amelia gasped as he let her down to her feet. "This is unreal. I can't believe it. This must have cost a fortune, how could you afford this?"

He beamed; his chest puffed out proudly, and refused to answer. "Don't worry about it." Turning to tip the resort staff member, Juice walked him out and shut the door quickly. "Private beach," he wriggled his eyebrows. "There's no one around, but us, unless we need anything."

"This is incredible," her eyes began to fill. "You're incredible, Juan Carlos," she threw her arms around his neck. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, we both deserve this."

She nodded and pulled her t-shirt up over her head, her curls bouncing as they fell over her shoulders. "So no one will see if I run out there and jump in the water naked?"

"Well, no one but me." He grinned, his tongue running along his bottom lip as she shimmied out of her shorts.

"I want you to see me, silly."

Juice laughed as she spun and ran, completely nude, out onto the sand and straight into the water. "Fourteen days," he whispered, stripping down and following her out with a massive smile on his face.


Fluffy little final chapter! Yay! Hope you liked the story, let me know! I just posted Juice and Amelia's next story, The Rising Tide, so please go check it out! Thanks for all the support! Xoxo

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