Chapter 19

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It had been just under thirty-six hours since Amelia was taken and Raylan, much to his own surprise, was nowhere near finding her. Tim spoke the truth, not telling Juice was a mistake as the club knew everything about the local crews' ties and who would have gained anything by taking the young redhead. Sitting in his federally issued Lincoln, Raylan stared across the street at the clubhouse where they were gathered around the table, to deal with the latest, but not exactly greatest, news on the trouble in Charming.

"Juice," Jax tried again to get his attention. He sat, staring blankly ahead, as they caught Chibs and Tig up on what had happened. Rosen was able to get them out on a conditional release that cost the club more money than they'd admit. "Did Meels say anything?"

"I haven't talked to her really, not since the other night. We got into it and she's still pissed."

Chibs' slowly felt anger bubble up in his gut. "You haven't talked to her at all?"

"She called me after she got done with you; we talked for a second before she had to go."

Clay's face was a dark scowl, angry she'd just taken Chibs' information and ignored the warnings, as he looked at Juice. "She still got that tail?" There was a heavy accusatory tone as he hammered Juice with questions. "Who's to say she didn't take that information to the fucking fed?"

"Hey," Chibs slapped his hand down on the table. "She was on side when I talked to her."

"Meels wouldn't do that." Staring at Clay, Juice spoke firmly but with respect for his President. "If anything, she'd just leave me, I know that for fact."

Clay was furious as he handed out orders and slammed the gavel down. The club filed out quickly, off on their own errands, but Juice stopped cold as he laid eyes on the Marshal meant to be guarding his wife.

Not everyone had gotten a proper look at Raylan Givens so when he swaggered into the clubhouse they couldn't help but take notice. His tall, lanky frame was far from intimidating, his hat and boots seemed ridiculous at best, but the way he carried himself and his unfaltering confidence made an impression on each of the men.

"Mr. Ortiz." He greeted Juice politely but there was disdain in his voice and demeanor. "A word," Raylan pointed toward the main door he'd just come through.

Juice huffed but obliged, he wasn't sure whose company was more troubling; the club who questioned his wife's current standing or the lawman inserting himself into their marriage. With a nod, he followed Raylan out and they stood, squaring up, by the boxing ring.

"Everything alright?"

With that question, Raylan's shoulders dropped. "No, it's not. The night before last your wife was kidnapped from a parking lot. We stopped for dinner after she snuck in to see her father." That letters bit of information made Juice seethe.

Straight and to the point, callous even, Raylan explained what had happened. Juice was floored by what he was hearing, enraged that her escort failed at his only job.

"Why didn't you protect her?" Juice asked seconds before he extended and threw a solid right hook, making contact with Raylan's jaw.

Wobbling back, Raylan glared at Juice but took the blow in stride. He deserved it and he knew he did. Standing straight again, his fingers massaging his jaw. he closed the gap between them.

"I'll give you one but you come for me again and I'll take you down."

Juice snarled, aching to pounce on him, but he knew prison would follow directly after. "Why didn't you tell me?" The club gathered around as Juice began shouting. "She's MY wife!" Sick, Juice feared he might actually vomit where he stood as he thought about Amelia. She'd be gone, with God knows who, and Juice was simply sitting around. His heart sank at the thought of losing her and he knew who would be the first die if anything happened to his girl.

"It was a miscalculated move and," Raylan almost choked on his next words, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I think you are the only person who can actually help me find her."

"Did she give you any names?" Juice asked quietly on the small off chance she had done anything remotely like Clay suggested. "Did she tell you anything before she was taken?"

Raylan pulled a face and went back over their conversation in his memory. "No," he shook his head. "But that wasn't from my lack of tryin', I assure you of that."

The relief that washed over him made Juice feel terrible. He never thought she'd go to the cops but hearing that she didn't, having the reassurance he shouldn't have needed, made him feel monumentally better.

"We're not helping you do shit." Juice snapped. "I'll find her my goddamn self."

Never would Raylan let anyone, let alone a criminal, take his role or in this particular instance save Amelia. He grinned a little, the entire right side of his face sore from the blow, and shook his head. "We do this together or not at all. First, I need to know what you all know about Jacob Hale, the shit I can find in a background check."

Jacob Hale. If Raylan was asking about Jacob, it only meant one thing. "Let me talk to my club, I can't do shit before I clear it with them."


Shortie to get us moving! Guys, I'd love to hear from you, especially some of you silent readers who don't usually comment! Please?! Let me know what you're thinking! Oxoxo

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