Chapter 20

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"We're doing it." Chibs snapped before anyone could ever speak on the matter.

"Fine." Clay grumbled hating that he'd been forced into such a position. "We'll help nail Hale but only to get her back."

Visibly relaxing, Juice nodded along with Clay. "Then you won't have to be anywhere near her," he sneered.

Chibs slapped a hard but supportive hand on Juice's shoulder. "And once we get her back, if I see your smug grin or stupid fucking hat in Charming, I won't play so nice."

No one expected they'd actually help but instead, just as Chibs had said, they had to play nice to get Amelia back and take care of whoever had been after her.

"I'm sorry." Raylan said swallowing his pride.


For the most part, Lowen and Amelia were quiet in the cramped, dark, attic of whatever building they were being held. The constant darkness confused them but they both assumed it had been just about three days since being taken. They reached that conclusion by counting the meals that were brought to them although it was hardly fail proof.

"Why haven't they come for us?" Amelia asked as Salazar left the attic with their empty soup bowls. "Shouldn't we be home by now?"

"I thought we would be." Lowen commiserated. "He wants something he just doesn't know how to make that known to the club."

"I don't know," Amelia felt herself growing angry rather than more desperate. "Maybe he should CALL THEM!" The last two words were shouted at the top of her lungs just before she broke down.

"Hey," Lowen scooted closer, "Don't lose your mind on me, please."

Barely audible thuds became alarmingly louder as Salazar bounded the steps to the attic again in a frenzy. It was an obvious consequence but she hadn't thought of anything other than getting out that don't burst of rage.

"Stupid bitch," he back handed Amelia then Lowen for good measure. Dropping down to eye level he shoved a gag in Lowen's mouth and covered it with tape. "You're coming with me," he grabbed Amelia and headed toward the door.


"I'm sorry, Mr. Shawcross." The doctor didn't catch the glimmer of joy in Max's eye as he spoke. "She crashed, her blood pressure dropped and we just couldn't stabilize her. Your wife passed away."

Max laid it on thick. Fat tears and soulful moans as he sank down in the chair a few feet away. The doctor bought his melodramatic show and even tried to comfort him but Tim, who was lurking on Raylan's order, didn't believe it for a moment. He stepped away and called Raylan with the news.

"Tell him about Amelia, read him, I'll pass the news along over here."


*The next morning*

"TM," Chucky answered cheerfully. "How can I help you?" It was much more than Gemma or Piney ever used as a greeting but it fit his overly friendly personality.

He could see Raylan and Juice discussing something, Helen's death, but it wasn't rare that the Marshal was there over the past day. Gritting their teeth and forcing peace they were working hard to piece it all together. He wasn't welcome, not by one member of the club, especially after the news of the kidnapping. Of course the were angered as a whole but Chibs raised the bar for viscerally emotional responses.

"Chuck?" Amelia's tiny voice shuddered through the phone. "I need a member, now."

"Oh shit." He fumbled with with receiver as he shouted out the window before getting to the door. "Guys! Guys, it's Amelia!"

Juice's jaw dropped in shock but he never hesitated. As he took off, Tig went after Raylan to keep him from he phone until Juice gave him a hard yank. It was not the time. Racing behind him across the lot were Raylan and the others but even if Juice didn't beat him to the office, Chucky would never have given the Fed the phone.

"Meels?" He spoke breathlessly. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, for now." She'd spent the night in the kitchen while her captor had, what amounted to, a nervous breakdown after long fights over the phone with Hale. She was done, in every way, and just needed to get away from Salazar and the club. Once she knew who had organized it, Jacob Hale, she blamed them wholeheartedly. There was no doubt, for her, that this had to do with the blackmail and Amelia hated SAMCRO for it.

"Hector Salazar has me and Lowen. Whatever deal he had," she stopped abruptly as Salazar snatched the phone away.

"I told you what to say." Juice heard Salazar barking his displeasure at Amelia although it was muffled. "Your woman doesn't follow directions."

Juice's hands shook as his free fingers curled into fists. "Yeah, that's why I married her. What do you want?"

"Jacob Hale, dead, and the money he was supposed to pay me for this job."

Logically that presented a problem but emotionally for Juice it was far from an issue. "How much?" The words were forced through his teeth.

"Fifty grand."

"Cheap date. We'll get it."

Clay covered his face, having no idea what Juice was agreeing to, and waited for the conversation to be over. He was the worst person to take the call but he never would have allowed anyone else to speak to her.

"Fifty grand and Hale's head in a box at sunset tomorrow. You'll get a drop spot one hour before we meet."

"Let me talk to her again." Juice now spoke with less rage in hopes of hearing Amelia's voice one more time.

"JC?" She whispered suddenly. "Please bring me home."

"I will, baby, I love you. I'll see you tomorrow, I swear. I love you, don't forget that."

"Just get me, Juice."


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