Chapter 14

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Amelia didn't want to head back to the room, she wanted to take a walk to clear her head and finally breathe fresh air but peace and quiet wouldn't follow. The click of Raylan's boots followed her where ever she went, incessantly, and it was beginning to grate on her nerves.

"Can you at least stay in the hall?" The question was asked in a whisper, her eyes still forward as he came up behind her slowly.

Raylan put a hand on her shoulder and agreed to give her that, if nothing else. Reaching passed her he opened the door and, once it latched shut again, took his seat in the hall.

"I was surprised to see you here last night." She said as a greeting.

It wasn't meant to be cruel but the words stung Juice more than he'd admit. "I wanted to see how you're doing, you know talk to you and uhh check on Helen. Is there any change?"

"No," she said regretfully. "They're going to run some tests on her brain function but I'm not feeling very optimistic."

"Meels." He stood and, although she wasn't very welcoming, wrapped his arms around her trying to comfort her. "I'm sorry, baby."

"Just find who did it, Juice."

"We're working on it."

She rolled her eyes and dropped down to sit on her lumpy, tiny cot. "Well, catch me up. How's everything going? Where are you guys with it?"

She was going to be furious, Juice knew that, but he also knew she'd most likely decapitate him if he didn't let her know. "Well, we figured the best bet was to start at the bottom."

"And that means what?" She looked up at him beseechingly. "Just tell me," she begged.

"Chibs and Tig got picked up. We gave the cops a bogus anonymous tip and the guys took the pigs for a little ride." Watching as her face fell and twisted while she listened to the insane thought process that led them to the plan almost scared him. Juice sped up and took a step back. "It was enough to land em' in county so they could dig through the assholes and see who's working for who."

"He's in lockup?" Slow and paced, Amelia tried to keep herself from unraveling and losing her dwindling sanity.

"He's safe." Juice tried to explain. "He's with Tig and we paid a shit ton of cash to keep them protected."

"You were supposed to be protected too!" She jumped to her feet. "Do you know how close you came to dying? Inches, JC and I'm shocked there was no massive infection. That nasty shiv was probably teeming with bacteria."

Taking the rant with poise, Juice listened and followed her around the room with his eyes. "Amelia, baby, it's gonna be fine."

"My aunt is going to die and now I have to worry about my dad? Is this how the club fixes shit?" As she went on her hands moved about wildly. It seemed ludicrous and monumentally dangerous to have them behind bars. There was no way for him to explain it. She was still so new and unaccepting when it came to SAMCRO that she couldn't trust them or understand. "I thought this was what you did! What, you gotta hit rock bottom before it gets any better?"

Frustrated and feeling attacked, Juice lost his cool. "This is club business, let us handle it. We know what we're doing."

"Club business?" Amelia scoffed. "This is my fucking family! My BLOOD family."

Hearing the steadily rising volume, Raylan knocked and poked his head in. "Everything alright?" His eyes were locked on Amelia examining her for any silent pleas for help.

"I'm fine, Raylan. Juice was just leaving."

"No, I'm not." He glared at Raylan. "Do you mind? I'm trying to have a conversation with my wife."

"I mind if the lady minds, actually."

Juice rolled his eyes and looked to Amelia. "Is he serious with this shit?"

"He is, that's just how he talks. Look, I'm pissed and this shit isn't a good vibe for Helen. Go home, make sure my dad is fucking safe and FIX this."

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