Chapter 27

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Of course sitting and staring at the screen made the time pass even slower than normal but Amelia couldn't tear her eyes away. She tapped her nails and tried to slow her heart rate but everything seemed to be working against her.

"Amelia?" She heard Max call from the landing. "Why don't you come have some tea and we can talk?"

"Talk?" She whispered to herself in disbelief. "No fucking way." She opened another tab and sent the exact same text message to Raylan, she was scared and it was no longer about who she wanted or principle, it was about feeling safe.

"Amelia?" Two heavy footsteps accompanied Max's shout. "Come down here, it's time we talk about your future and what you'll be doing next."

"I'm not feeling well, Max," she ventured as she turned her laptop away from the door. "I think I'm just going to take a nap."

"Amelia," he pulled on the door but she had the forethought to lock it. "Let me in."

"Please, I don't feel well."

"You know I have a key to this door, don't you?"

She could hear his anger increasing with each syllable. "Okay," she gave in and opened the door. "Maybe some tea will make me feel better."

He helped her down the steps slowly and even made a joke to try to lighten her mood. "Sit," he pushed her down with force. "Peppermint or chamomile?" Max asked as he turned the burner on the stove.

"Peppermint," she tried to sound upbeat but it was nearly impossible.

"Now Amelia," Max spoke with his back to her. "I can get you in at a very nice hospital up here, it's time you ditch the felons and work with people who deserve your help."

"You want me to quit?" She asked and shook her head. "Even if I did, it's too far of a commute from Charming."

Max chuckled and placed the sugar bowl on the table. "Silly, you'll be moving back in here with me. I can't be here all alone, can I?"

"Oh," she suddenly realized what he was looking for. "I don't think Juice would be too thrilled to hear that." She joked afraid to commit to anything no matter how little she meant it.

"You'll be divorcing him as well," he said calmly. "Really, hasn't this entire situation taught you anything about that man?"

"A lot actually," the situation taught her he was right. "Maybe you're right," she couldn't admit the truth though.

"I am right!" He suddenly screamed as he slammed his palms so hard on the table that the cream tipped over. "I don't know why none of you women listen to me."

"I'm sorry." She stuttered quickly. "You are right, totally."

"Don't you see? All I want is the very best for you, Amelia, that's all I've ever wanted for you."

"I know." She mumbled as he turned his back to her and poured boiling water into two mugs by the stove. Amelia stood up and hopped back, dragging her cast with her, gripping the counter for support.

"What are you doing?" He asked, dropping the appropriate tea bag in her mug. "I can see you."

"What?" Amelia noticed he was watching her movements in the reflection of the microwave door. "Just grabbing an apple," she explained reaching toward the basket of fruit. "Want one?"

"Sit down," he growled as he turned with the mugs in hand.

"I just wanted someth-," Amelia didn't finish her sentence before he swung the ceramic mug and smacked it hard against her temple. She screamed, reaching back to the butcher's block, as she fell to the floor.

"Give me the knife." It was an order but Amelia barely realized she'd actually managed to grab any type of weapon on her way down. "Now."

"Fuck off," she shouted as she slashed around blindly. The pain tore through her forehead from the scalding water and the force with which he hit her. "You're a goddamn psycho."

Opening her eyes for a second she caught a pair of headlights rolling along the wall behind Max. Amelia felt a small wave of relief at that before shutting her eyes again from the pain. Someone was there for her, Juice or Raylan, whoever it was didn't matter she just needed someone.

"None of you little bitches see what's good for you." Grabbing a fistful of hair, Max pulled Amelia to her feet. "Helen was the same goddamn way."

"You hurt her," Amelia said as she tried to free herself. "You killed her."

"I'd never do that," he laughed. "I loved Helen you know that."

"You're a liar." With her eyes screwed shut Amelia scratched and clawed with the knife slicing into his chest and stomach. "Let go of me."

"I'd do as she asks." Raylan said as he walked through the unlocked door. "Let her go and step away."

Max released Amelia knowing it was in his best interest but as he walked away he winked and nodded in her direction. "I did kill Helen," he whispered, "And I'd do it again."

Looking at Raylan, for just a second, dumbfounded, Amelia shook her head and launched at Max, the knife tearing into his neck as she screamed.

"You fucking piece of shit." She wailed when Raylan wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her away as Max bled out on the kitchen floor.

"Jesus," Raylan tossed her on the couch and looked back at Max. "Amelia what did you do?" He asked her as she sobbed hysterically.

"Arrest me," she exclaimed knowing it was far from self defense. "He deserved it."

Closing his eyes, Raylan shook his head and dropped to his knees in front of the couch. "I'm not gonna do that."

"He killed Helen." She spoke quietly now, the shock of what had happened taking hold of her. "He did it."

"I'm sorry," he grumbled taking her hands, "But you need to listen to me."

He proceeded to explain to her exactly what happened, a few details far from truthful but just enough to keep her from being arrested for even the smallest amount of time.

"He didn't let you go," Raylan said forcing eye contact. "You went for his neck while he was holding you and then I walked in, got it?"

"What?" She drew her head back. "But, Raylan."

"Just do as I say and you'll walk out of this with the least bullshit possible."


Guys, guys, guys, I need to know what you want!! Sequel, new Amelia or even both? It has a twist, a Jax twist, but it's so much more! Let me know, please!

I will be doing a Jax story no matter what though, just so you know!

Let me know what you think about the chapter and what you want to read next! Thanks for all the support! Xoxo

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